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Love them.
But they’re Bowie AF.

The first album is more Bolan to me.
The second album is Berlin era Bowie.
The third and fourth albums are Bowie the crooner.
The fifth album is… shiit Bowie…

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But Strange isn’t.

Not my favourite Icehouse track by any means, but good lord it’s not Mr Big.

Anyway, we live in a world where Aerosmith are recognised as a great, innovative artist, so…

See, that’s the other track I struggle with on Measure…

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A secret… I do actually have Man of Colours. I was quite into Icehouse at the time and (despite the ominous signs of the first two singles) duly bought it.
Those two singles set the tone, and it just doesn’t get any better. In fact, there’s plenty more vacuous bilge where they came from… My Obsession, Heartbreak Kid, Nothing Too Serious… jesus, it’s horrible… a couple of half-decent songs but it’s all got a shorter shelf-life than a carton of milk left in the sun.

I remember the Juke magazine review at the time absolutely hammered it for being poor material which is overtly US-seeking… My God were they right!

I’ve actually got the follow-up album too (Code Blue) which isn’t great either, but it’s better. Mind you, it has Miss Divine on it, which is every bit as rancid as Electric Blue and My Obsession

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Bigger secret…one of my mates from high school played Bass on Man of Colours

I quite like Man of Colours and think Code Blue is a pile of crap…we disagree again :rofl:


Steve Morgan?
Think you’ve mentioned that before…

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That’s him…a fellow bomber supporter too.

We used to catch various forms of public transport to get us to all the Essendon games…another mate always came with us…he was a Collingwood supporter which I could never quite figure out.

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Did he have any Iva Davies or Icehouse tales?

Not at the time…he probably hadn’t met him when we were in high school

Ah, I see. Thought it may have been someone you’d maintained contact with.

Iva Davies wrote and recorded an Icehouse album with Andy Partridge of XTC which has never come out. Considering some of the crap he put out in Icehouse’s later years I can only assume it must be terrible.

Sooooo…my first proper band was called Nothin’ Too Serious, and we played it, and I had a bass solo intro on that song, so, with the greatest of respect…GAGF.

But less personally, the title track was epic.
And you’re right about everything else.

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For the sake of clarity, my first not proper band was called Slightly Intoxicated Myxomatosis Infected Parasites In Bondage.


The best thing on it by the length of the Flemington straight…


No…we lost contact after high school…facebook friends these days but have only seen him a few times since we left high school.

I remember getting home from 8 months O/S in '87 to see huge posters of Man Of Colours in the city and, fark me, he was on the poster…it came as a shock…I knew he had dabbled in music in the last few years of high school but had no idea he’d reached that level of proficiency.

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You’ve just reminded me that my first short-lived band was named after a song, Star Me Kitten. We had to give them something to put on the flyer, and weren’t happy with it about 5 minutes later.


How many REM covers were there in the set?

Love that.
Great name.
Even better because IYKYK.

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I’m trying to remember if we even played covers, I think my friend was already writing his own stuff. It was either one cover and the rest originals, or vice versa. I don’t recall ever playing REM, even though I loved them and so did the other guitarist who chose the name for us.

We had one show in a community hall, jammed for a few months in an East Keilor garage, and that was it.

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My last, and best, band (heh…my) did The One I Love and It’s The End Of The Band As We Know It.

Would have loved a crack at Orange Crush.

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