Music You've Been Listening To

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Just saw this on Facebook, reckon it’d be pretty cool…

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Ooh yeah… might haul my backside in to that one. Jane Gazzo was a trifle irritating in her Recovery years, but she’s good nowadays and she knows her stuff (so should make a reasonable MC).

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Yeah, she’s doing good work. There’s a link to buy I didn’t add before, if you’re interested:


Need to get into them more.

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I know we’re not allowed to like anything from their first album, but screw that.
This is pure Radiohead.
Just…more acousticallier.


They played that on the OK Computer tour and it was killer.

But then… I like Anyone Can Play Guitar and Pop Is Dead too, and they’re even more uncool…

That is such a pretty piece, thanks for posting it. Just wonderful.

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As incongruous as this sounds, it works very well, and is a totally original approach. Bravo.

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I rolled my eyes at the opening riff with how many songs it reminded me of. But then the Weezer kicks in. And then a 51 year old guy is shredding his throat in the chorus in a rad way. And then I’m pumping my fist and singing along. Yeah, they’ve played every variation on rock they could possibly do at this point, but they’ve given it a fair crack on this new album and it’s a cool listen all the way through.

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Looking forward to my first listen. After the conclusion of today’s cricket.

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Ooh yeah… I’m hearing the Weezer loud and clear. The thing is, if I heard that unannounced on the radio, I’m not sure I’d recognise it instantly as Green Day. Don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing yet.

It’s certainly better than most of what they’ve released since 21st Century Breakdown anyway.


I wondered if they might’ve been going for Pixies at times in the song but their pop-punk sensibilities made it a lot more Weezer.

I would have/did recognize it.

Love that album cover. The look on the young lads face in particular.

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