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Derek Trucks Band - Joyful Noise


Is that you Rusty?

Really warming to Dodoro now that hes doing covers.

Seriously though, this guy is really good.

I’ve been really impressed and at times really moved viscerally by this emerging talent, Tamino. I’d describe him best as an exotic version of Jeff Buckley. He is a Belgian with ethnic links to Egypt and middle-eastern acoustic and vocal style but with a contemporary aesthetic. Highly recommend.

Nah, I used to go see them play a lot, especially when Irwin was in the band.
Pete is a killer guitar player too.

Pete sure is a fantastic player and a great rock band on their last European tour. Had Rusty come up to Albury and play solo - he was great. He is also a farking swans supporter

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Going down the 60s rabbit hole?

Yeah, been listening to heaps of albums, ones I know, thought I knew, and never heard. I know this album already, but gained a much deeper appreciation this time round.

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This survey thread thing has been great for opening up potential new music for us all.

I’ve already listened to 15 “new” albums…and one has made it to the playlist.

Only several hundred (or more) to go :smile:


Yeah, it’s really pushed me to give some things a go. A couple are on the vinyl pick-up list now.


Geeking out on this right now.

If anyone has Son Of Non-Stop Sex, could they please upload it to YouTube?

Second favourite medley after The Sweet Mix.

Edit: wait…Is this Son Of Non-Stop Sex?
Because it’s not what I meant to post.

It was this…this is the one I love.

Well the trailer is out and I think the release is imminent. I might wait a while for the director’s cut which will presumably add over an hour to the flick, I mean if you love Koln enough to make a feature movie surely you have to play the entire gig. At the very least I want all 26 minutes or so of Part 1.