Music You've Been Listening To

My morning coffee is currently being enhanced immeasurably by the thunderous pentatonic pummellings of Mr Albert King.

This live album from 68 nearly made my 60s list in Swoods album survey, but it was already very blues heavy, so I pivoted.

Track two is a 10 minute blues lesson from Mr King named Blues Power. In it he claims to have in fact, invented said Blues Power. I fully believe him.

The crowd at the Fillmore that night are enjoying it very much so. And this particular pressing I own is so sonically pleasing and atmospheric, if I close my eyes, for a brief moment I can actually smell the pot smoke and hippy BOā€¦


My playlist this week

Itā€™s the USAID retribution addition:

Gooch Palms - Busy Bleeding
The Mint Chicks - Licking Letters
Bruise Control - Taxman
Dr. Colossus - Cant Sleep
Hawkwind - Urban Guerilla
Dumb Punts - Space Waster
Veruca Salt - All Hail Me
Constant Mongrel - The Law
Pinch Points - Jellybrain
Midnight Oil - Back on the Boardline

Just finished listening to Parasomnia, the new Dream Theater album.

Iā€™m going to need to go back and listen quite a few more times to be able to take it all in.

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Today itā€™s Led Zeppelinā€™s Physical Graffiti while doing some work Admin and marking.

Hope to see the movie doco in the coming days or week.

Later: Yield by Pearl Jam. Happy 27th you beautiful bastard.

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My kids having been singing this for years and it got stuck in my head all weekend

Iā€™ll say again.

Jubilee Street
Hi Ren
and Endsong are the only serious works of the last decade.

Iā€™m not even a Cure fanboi.
I love their pop, but goddamn this is the greatest song Robbieā€™s ever recorded.
And at this stage in his career, thatā€™s really quite staggering.

If anyone wants to suggest a track that is up thereā€¦

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I added a little extra to make your claim more accurate.

Wasnā€™t needed.
I put the call out.

Noā€¦it was definitely needed!!!

You canā€™t just make a massively broad statement like that unless you have listened to every song released during the period in question.

I mean, I can.
I set the benchmark and invited contributions if you dare.
In comparison.

Okā€¦you can say itā€¦but your statement is completely subjective.

lol. Wellā€¦yeah.
Thatā€™s how music is.

Iā€™m still asking for anything as powerful as any of those three tracks in the last ten years.

Youā€™re taking it as arrogance, which is fair because I am very veryā€¦

shrugs but honestly Iā€™d be overjoyed to be made aware of a fourth.

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Itā€™s all personal opinion of course, but the superlatives being bandied about for this latest Cure album have me baffled. It probably speaks more about the lack of quality around it than anything.

Iā€™ve listened. Itā€™s decent enough, but honestly I find it overblown, long-winded and completely lacking in dynamic range. It just ends up as one long piece of background music to me. I certainly wouldnā€™t rate it in the top half-dozen Cure albums.

One of the best albums of 2024, though. Well, thatā€™s possible. It ainā€™t a high bar though, is it?

Obviously itā€™s not a high bar.
But that song is mint.

I donā€™t care that heā€™s faffed around just to get that song. That song is all time.
And I donā€™t see the Thompson Twins beating it.

But letā€™s talk about Ren.
Weā€™re all about Tyler and Kendrick and meanwhile this Farking guyā€¦

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My partner swears by Mr little jeans - good mistake as being one of the best songs from 2010s. First one that comes to mind.

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I really like Marcus kings el dorado album, quality songs.
Early James - blue pill blues. Not sure why I love it. Sounds good. Interesting intro which is more of a bridge, bit of rage and short and sweet.
Bit behind but tried this guy recently and loved the punch of this song; Chris Stapleton- death row.
Greyhounds - cuz Iā€™m here and whatā€™s on your mind? ā€¦ lyrics hit. As does Durand jones - smile

Incoming ridicule :persevere::confounded::tired_face::pleading_face:

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Early James is great

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New from IQ

Album being released 28 March

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