Oscar Pistorius


Without watching any of it, nor knowing much about the case besides what I've seen on the news, I say he should be jailed for being a gun obsessed lunatic.

I was particularly impressed with his statement about never touching another firearm...lolz, I'm fairly certain the law has already decided that part for him, and seriously, who just shoots blindly through a closed door in their own home? surely you'd call out if you thought there was an intruder in your home, I mean, he was armed to the teeth and obviously had the jump on the "intruder"  He farkin knew it was her in there.

Without going into guilt or innocence, the court/judge will decide on that, I have to say, I have 2 friends that live in South Africa, it is not like here.


Their homes are like a fortress even in a gated community, are always scared that intruders will get in, have more than one gun in their homes, always looking over their shoulder when they go out etc. Don't really know how people can live like that but they do.


Thank goodness they visit me, coz and I have told them, I will never visit them while they are living there.


Just going on what they have told me, as I said above, will leave it up to the court/judge.


Interesting, my SAF colleague says the same thing about security but he reckons Pistorius murdered her.


He moved over here because it's just too violent over there, but his opinion is that if you know how to use a gun you know to be careful about what you shoot.



Without watching any of it, nor knowing much about the case besides what I've seen on the news, I say he should be jailed for being a gun obsessed lunatic.

I was particularly impressed with his statement about never touching another firearm...lolz, I'm fairly certain the law has already decided that part for him, and seriously, who just shoots blindly through a closed door in their own home? surely you'd call out if you thought there was an intruder in your home, I mean, he was armed to the teeth and obviously had the jump on the "intruder"  He farkin knew it was her in there.

Without going into guilt or innocence, the court/judge will decide on that, I have to say, I have 2 friends that live in South Africa, it is not like here.


Their homes are like a fortress even in a gated community, are always scared that intruders will get in, have more than one gun in their homes, always looking over their shoulder when they go out etc. Don't really know how people can live like that but they do.


Thank goodness they visit me, coz and I have told them, I will never visit them while they are living there.


Just going on what they have told me, as I said above, will leave it up to the court/judge.


Interesting, my SAF colleague says the same thing about security but he reckons Pistorius murdered her.


He moved over here because it's just too violent over there, but his opinion is that if you know how to use a gun you know to be careful about what you shoot.


I don't want to judge him, the court is there for that.



Sounds reasonable, have not gone into that with my friends, however they are moving soon (have been living there for 10 years) one to England and the other back here, they are counting the days.



You've got a majorly disabled guy with a massive ego and gun habit and a hot girlfriend and there is a dispute on Valentine's Day Eve.


By co-incidence there is an intruder through the bathroom of a 1st story building, who hides in the toilet and locks the door. Bare in mind that by co-incidence the couple had happened to wake up in the middle of the night. Not by the noise but they happened to wake up and talk to each other. Then by co-incidence the intruder came through the bathroom at this moment or a few minutes after they chatted. The girlfriend managed to get into the bathroom and toilet without the disabled guy noticing she'd left the room. Then in the time it takes a disable person to move from altering his bedroom fan and get back to his side of the bed to find a gun and crawl down the hall to his bathroom shouting intruder call the cops to his girlfriend, the girlfriend stays silent in the toilet taking a leak. Woman's screams are heard but by co-incidence the guy happens to scream like a girl. The responsible gun owner guy with no violent tendency then shoots hollow point bullets through a toilet door. So no one is coming at him right. So he shoots anyway. Hears no voices because she's quietly taking a leak and the screams remember are his girly voice scream as he fires the mushroom expanding bullets that extract maximum tissue damage out of the exit wound through the door into his girlfriend. 


Yeah it'd be funny if he gets off because he's got millions to get the best lawyer in the country. Really funny. Especially for the girls parents. They'd be ■■■■■■■ themselves laughing.

As much as i think he's guilty, I hope you're never on my jury.


Haven't you ever woken up in the middle of the night and spoken to your partner?


Haven't you ever had a fight with your partner? Or ongoing relationship issues?


Keep in mind these aren't just your average joes, they are wealthy celebrities and don't necessarily conform to average daily routines.


What has his disability got to do with it? If you'd been missing legs for years don't you think you'd be good at getting around?


Maybe they'd been arguing so she slipped out without announcing she was going somewhere?


What has the type of bullets got to do with it? You don't by a .22 rifle for security.


Maybe he lied about shouting "intruder", does that mean he deliberately murdered her? Maybe he just hates black people and got excited about his chance to finally kill one?


Like I said, I reckon he pushed her into the bathroom, or she locked herself in the bathroom, and then he shot her through the door, just my gut feeling, so the holes in his story don't prove what happened, just what likely didn't happen.


I dont think she was taking a leak in the night and he got up and shot her through the door.

The only thing scarier than living in South Africa, is going to jail in South Africa.

will be surprised if he goes down for murder but reckon he is a monty to go for manslaughter. Who the hell shoots a firearm into a closed door without yelling out a warning first (people in the movies don't count)

will be surprised if he goes down for murder but reckon he is a monty to go for manslaughter. Who the hell shoots a firearm into a closed door without yelling out a warning first (people in the movies don't count)

manslaughter- 5 years (celebrity sentence)

By shooting through the door like that, he wanted to kill someone. 


They reckon there was the first shot, then a delay, then more shots. The scream came during the delay. What would anyone else do after that first shot if they realised it was their g/f there and not a burglar? Weeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllll..................................shoot a few more through the door of course.

Complete guess of course.

She’s received a Valentine’s message from another guy or some other guy has shown interest at work or whatever. He’s quizzed her and she’s kind of smirked as she’s said “look its nothing and he means nothing to me”.

Or she’s not been as lustful as his ego would hope when he’s tried to throw a stump over in the middle of the night.

And he’s lost the plot.

If his story held more water I’d feel like a prick saying that sort of thing but come on, most of the blokes here can put 2 and 2 together what’s happened here. Females are more compassionate and want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I hope he didn’t to it out of anger but the story is complete garbage for mine.

Females are more compassionate and want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
The only people I'm feeling compassion for are Reeva's family and friends.
A lot of what has come out in the trial has shown Oscar to be a typical abuser - controlling, possessive, hyper-critical and accusatory.
Regardless of all that, he killed a woman. If he did it on purpose, he's a cold-blooded murderer. If it was an accident, he's criminally stupid.

Accidental death.


He has cast enough reasonable doubt and be truly frank and genuinely remorseful in his testimony.

Accidental death? Yikes.

I’ve only just started on this story, but I don’t think the prosecution has started cross examination yet, so we are a long way from both sides of the story

By shooting through the door like that, he wanted to kill someone. 


They reckon there was the first shot, then a delay, then more shots. The scream came during the delay. What would anyone else do after that first shot if they realised it was their g/f there and not a burglar? Weeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllll..................................shoot a few more through the door of course.

i don't believe his story.


Normal people would call the police for help and not confront the intruder.


And the way he is sobbing in court looks like an act to me. 



Accidental death.


He has cast enough reasonable doubt and be truly frank and genuinely remorseful in his testimony.

accidental? i want whatever you're on, pazza. 


Accidental death.


He has cast enough reasonable doubt and be truly frank and genuinely remorseful in his testimony.

accidental? i want whatever you're on, pazza. 




I don't think so, he's putting on an act

Someone may have broken into my house and gone to the bathroom...let me just start shooting at it. Shooting blindly into a bathroom is not reasonable doubt.


He is either a cold blooded murderer or a perfect example of why...YOU DON'T SHOT BLINDLY INTO A ■■■■■■■ BATHROOM WHEN YOU HAVE A ROOMMATE! I am sure it is the latter based on his emotional testimony. He is thinking about how being so stupid ended the life of someone he truly cared about.

He's too good looking to go to gaol.

He's too good looking to go to gaol.

Won't know what to do when he gets told to get on his knees



Accidental death.


He has cast enough reasonable doubt and be truly frank and genuinely remorseful in his testimony.

accidental? i want whatever you're on, pazza. 




I don't think so, he's putting on an act


There's also the small matter of the bullets being hollow points........ bullets designed to cause maximum damage. 



Evidence on Reeva Steenkamp scream crucial to Pistorius trial, expert says
  • Associated Press
  • theguardian.com,
    Sunday 23 March 2014 23.30 AEST</li>



The pathologist who performed the autopsy on Steenkamp's body said it would have been "abnormal" for her not to scream from some of her injuries.

A police ballistics expert concluded that the first shot Pistorius fired through a toilet door hit Steenkamp in the hip and caused her to collapse, but didn't immediately kill her. The second shot missed.

According to the testimony, Steenkamp probably had time to yell out before she was hit by two more shots as she covered her head with her arms in a desperate attempt to protect herself.

"Suddenly what we have is Oscar Pistorius firing at Reeva Steenkamp while her hands are covering her head while she's screaming in the toilet, and that's murder," said Marius du Toit, a defence lawyer and former state prosecutor who says he has worked on at least 100 murder cases.

I love that they've had a year to come up with a believable story and they still thought "Oscar screams like a woman" was a good argument.
