Maybe, maybe not. But you really should.
Especially FFC’s new Directors cut.
(Don’t click this one v Swoods, MAJOR Spoilers)
No recutting can erase Sofia Coppola and the nonsensical plot unfortunately
No offence mate…but if the best thing you can say about a movie is that the music is especially good, it doesn’t say much about the movie imo
LOTR hands down.
As an aside, did you see who’s in the amazon LOTR show?
Might be the first bloke to need heel lifts to play a hobbit…
Do you mean contrived?
I started to watch it a couple of days ago. Didn’t get far… unsure if I’ll return to it.
I’ll put my vote in for, Inception.
I get it, Inception’s a fair way up it’s own ■■■■.
But I thought it held together.
In a period of where heaps of movies seem to be made up of a combination of car chases, lots of explosions and shallow plot lines, I thought Inception was brilliant.
It really made you think…which is something alien to many movies these days.
All of the Lord of the Rings movies.
So bad. So so so bad.
How do I put you on ignore (for making such a slanderous statement)
Oh, no you didn’t!
The scene near the end where the gunfight is happening annoyed me greatly.
Tarantino needed to move on from his obsession with exploding gunshot wounds.
I still remember being dragged to see all the LOTR by my then girlfriend.
I still particularly remember two moments of absolute horror (for me):
in the first one when they were imprisoned by some monster thing at about the 2 3/4 hour mark, and all of a sudden I realised “oh, they’re not even going to make it to this mountain in this movie, what a waste of time faaaaark.”
in the third one, where after an eternity of mucking around, they finally make it to the mountain, chuck the ring in - and I was like “it’s finally over thank god”. But it still had like another half hour to go!
The most overrated garbage ever ever ever.
I reckon that’s a pretty average movie with two absolutely outstanding scenes (the gunfight, and the scene at the table with Leo)
Do you want to borrow my Extended Edition DVD set?
Fellowship goes for 228 minutes
Two Towers goes for 235 minutes
Return of the King goes for 263 minutes
Plus all extra stuff from behind the scenes.
I’ve watched them each at least half a dozen times.
If you combine all the running times, that’s 15 and a half years of your life you’ll never get back.
What else are you going to do if you are chilling on the couch smoking weed?