I haven’t seen Deadpool but I will check it out for the refence.
Not sure about its classic tag still.
I haven’t seen Deadpool but I will check it out for the refence.
Not sure about its classic tag still.
You haven’t. seen. Deadpool?
Is it overrated?
It’s a (US) R rated superhero movie.
I watched the trailer that Ryan Reynolds funded himself to try to get the film green lit…so many times.
It is the only Marvel movie I’ve cared about since Iron Man 1.
This was two years before the film came out.
It is not over-rated.
A Few Good Men.
Cruise raises his voice, so Nicholson voluntarily confesses…WOW, what an amazing hook!
Kind of agree.
I love Sorkin and that’s a great scene, but the rest…not so much.
Dad movies, anything by Ron Howard and the majority of best picture winners.
LMW: The entire Fast and Furious franchise.
Ooooh, more of a hot take from LMW.
The Shining.
Enjoyable little movie, that makes you smirk a lot. Wouldn’t call it particulary funny, though.
LMW Wim and I feel forcefully on this one.
But she had a hamburger phone. It was a phone… That looked like a hamburger!!
Nope. The Shining is very farking far from overrated.
The Shining.
It was terrible and not scary whatsoever.
I went and saw the shining in the cinema and while I can get spooked by fri 13th style movies, I found myself laughing out loud. I mean, it’s OK and I’ve rewatched it a few times, but people do rate it more highly than I do.
I sat and watched Inside Llewyn Jones with my sister and BIL. At the end, we went “that’s it?”. What a load of ■■■■■.
I saw Miller’s Crossing yonks ago, @Killer_Mike. A bit pedestrian, I thought.
I’ve seen ILJ on some lists of great movies. Maybe it’s something that only the elite critics get.
No way! Great movie.
I would agree with you on Godfather 2 though.