Philip Seymour Hoffman Dead


one less junkie

Part of me feels sorry for him, but part of me thinks "He spent ten grand a month on drugs, so it shouldn't be a surprise"


I'd like to know how they found out this amount. Do drug dealers provide receipts with purchases?



one less junkie

Part of me feels sorry for him, but part of me thinks "He spent ten grand a month on drugs, so it shouldn't be a surprise"


I'd like to know how they found out this amount. Do drug dealers provide receipts with purchases?


usually consumption X street value. 




one less junkie

Part of me feels sorry for him, but part of me thinks "He spent ten grand a month on drugs, so it shouldn't be a surprise"


I'd like to know how they found out this amount. Do drug dealers provide receipts with purchases?


usually consumption X street value. 


This always amuses me.


I grew up near a guy who was growing a little hedge of dope in his backyard. It was for his disabled wife, and he had 70 plants that never got over about a foot and a half high - he'd just go out and pick some leaf every once in a while. One day the cops came along, ripped them all out and arrested him. That night on local news it was the lead story "Man found with 70 marijuana plants in his back yard, with an estimated street value of $100,000".


No mention of why he had them. No mention of the fact they were a foot high, and packed so tight that they'd never BE more than a foot high. No mention that they were for his disabled wife. Nope, just another filthy drug dealer.


Thankfully, the justice system was more rational than the media. He got a slap on the wrist.





one less junkie

Part of me feels sorry for him, but part of me thinks "He spent ten grand a month on drugs, so it shouldn't be a surprise"


I'd like to know how they found out this amount. Do drug dealers provide receipts with purchases?


usually consumption X street value. 


This always amuses me.


I grew up near a guy who was growing a little hedge of dope in his backyard. It was for his disabled wife, and he had 70 plants that never got over about a foot and a half high - he'd just go out and pick some leaf every once in a while. One day the cops came along, ripped them all out and arrested him. That night on local news it was the lead story "Man found with 70 marijuana plants in his back yard, with an estimated street value of $100,000".


No mention of why he had them. No mention of the fact they were a foot high, and packed so tight that they'd never BE more than a foot high. No mention that they were for his disabled wife. Nope, just another filthy drug dealer.


Thankfully, the justice system was more rational than the media. He got a slap on the wrist.


Should have been a dead-beat junkie. Now have $2 vending machines for needles.




one less junkie

Part of me feels sorry for him, but part of me thinks "He spent ten grand a month on drugs, so it shouldn't be a surprise"


I'd like to know how they found out this amount. Do drug dealers provide receipts with purchases?


usually consumption X street value. 


I would describe it as a "buttload".





one less junkie

Part of me feels sorry for him, but part of me thinks "He spent ten grand a month on drugs, so it shouldn't be a surprise"


I'd like to know how they found out this amount. Do drug dealers provide receipts with purchases?


usually consumption X street value. 


This always amuses me.


I grew up near a guy who was growing a little hedge of dope in his backyard. It was for his disabled wife, and he had 70 plants that never got over about a foot and a half high - he'd just go out and pick some leaf every once in a while. One day the cops came along, ripped them all out and arrested him. That night on local news it was the lead story "Man found with 70 marijuana plants in his back yard, with an estimated street value of $100,000".


No mention of why he had them. No mention of the fact they were a foot high, and packed so tight that they'd never BE more than a foot high. No mention that they were for his disabled wife. Nope, just another filthy drug dealer.


Thankfully, the justice system was more rational than the media. He got a slap on the wrist.


Some things never change.  We're well used to the media filth now.


The Telegraph in Sydney had the headline; "Kids grieve for junkie actor dad".

Here it is:



Well I hope they report the same way on Rolf Harris facing Kiddy ■■■■■■■ charges, and the next dead beat alcoholic celebrity that bashes the wife. That is just appalling.


Well I hope they report the same way on Rolf Harris facing Kiddy ******* charges, and the next dead beat alcoholic celebrity that bashes the wife. That is just appalling.


Certainly is. Unbelievable. Or at least, I with it was unbelievable...


There was another article that seemed incredulous that Hoffman had been able to have a drug problem and maintain an otherwise productive life. Much easier for people to just label people on drugs as "others" and pretend the problem is limited to the homeless or career criminals. After all, admitting that there are outwardly normal, productive people with drug problems means you have to admit the problem is much deeper than just "drugs are bad, mm'kay".


And of course, it get's even harder when the people don't have a drug problem, just more complicated problems that they sometimes use drugs to manage...

Good to see they are staying classy.



Well I hope they report the same way on Rolf Harris facing Kiddy ******* charges, and the next dead beat alcoholic celebrity that bashes the wife. That is just appalling.


Certainly is. Unbelievable. Or at least, I with it was unbelievable...


There was another article that seemed incredulous that Hoffman had been able to have a drug problem and maintain an otherwise productive life. Much easier for people to just label people on drugs as "others" and pretend the problem is limited to the homeless or career criminals. After all, admitting that there are outwardly normal, productive people with drug problems means you have to admit the problem is much deeper than just "drugs are bad, mm'kay".


And of course, it get's even harder when the people don't have a drug problem, just more complicated problems that they sometimes use drugs to manage...


He looks like he could act while under the influence


Well I hope they report the same way on Rolf Harris facing Kiddy ******* charges, and the next dead beat alcoholic celebrity that bashes the wife. That is just appalling.


we've already had one of those turn into "wife takes drugs"

I heard this on the radio this morning. I thought they were talking about Dustin Hoffman. I've never heard of this other guy - don't think I've ever seen one of his films.
Sad that he died though.

How have you not seen him though?
The guy has been in just about everything since 1991.
Never seen Patch Adams? Twister? Scent of a Woman, loads of supporting roles and cameos.
Brilliant in The Master.
Look at his movie database films list.

I thought he played the role of a gambling addict in "Owning Mahowny" perfectly. Expertly brought across how those gamblers aren't really interested in the money as such, or it's trappings, just the thrill of winning. 





I heard this on the radio this morning. I thought they were talking about Dustin Hoffman. I've never heard of this other guy - don't think I've ever seen one of his films.
Sad that he died though.

How have you not seen him though?
The guy has been in just about everything since 1991.
Never seen Patch Adams? Twister? Scent of a Woman, loads of supporting roles and cameos.
Brilliant in The Master.
Look at his movie database films list.


Patch Adams??!!


NO ONE has seen Patch Adams.

The Boat That Rocked....


I enjoyed it for the music.


Music died not long after that film was set.

Can I just preface this post by saying that Yes, I do think it's tragic that anyone dies.

Now that's over, is anyone here playing "Doug Stanhope's Celebrity Death Pool" online? Seymour's death scored 8 hits which seems a lot but it's got nothing on Pete Seeger's 17, mind you Pete was 94. It sort of runs a bit like Fantasy Footy and there are a bunch of rules that Stanhope threatens to change at any time, for instance rule number one shows that the game takes its responsibility seriously, "Thou shalt not murder thy picks".  Also, picking a celebrity on Death Row is not allowed.

You get 100 points for each "winning" selection minus their age and plus bonus points. Bonus points include "The Lynyrd Skynyrd" where the celebrity dies in an aircraft crash (50 points) and "The Last Call" if the celebrity dies on Dec. 31st (100 points).

If you consider this all incredibly offensive you'll soon get a chance to complain first hand because Doug's touring OZ this year. IMHO, the best standup going round.

I think AAP stopped doing that the year after Mrs Wim nominated contemporaries out of spite.


Can I just preface this post by saying that Yes, I do think it's tragic that anyone dies.

Now that's over, is anyone here playing "Doug Stanhope's Celebrity Death Pool" online? Seymour's death scored 8 hits which seems a lot but it's got nothing on Pete Seeger's 17, mind you Pete was 94. It sort of runs a bit like Fantasy Footy and there are a bunch of rules that Stanhope threatens to change at any time, for instance rule number one shows that the game takes its responsibility seriously, "Thou shalt not murder thy picks".  Also, picking a celebrity on Death Row is not allowed.

You get 100 points for each "winning" selection minus their age and plus bonus points. Bonus points include "The Lynyrd Skynyrd" where the celebrity dies in an aircraft crash (50 points) and "The Last Call" if the celebrity dies on Dec. 31st (100 points).

If you consider this all incredibly offensive you'll soon get a chance to complain first hand because Doug's touring OZ this year. IMHO, the best standup going round.

I think AAP stopped doing that the year after Mrs Wim nominated contemporaries out of spite.


It's real

Don’t know a single other person they’ve got listed there. Celebrity status getting pretty stretched?

Why did that guy need 70 plants of weed for his wife?