Can I ask where this is? Tas?
Superficial first glance looked like it might be Bird Rock at Walkerville, viewed from the other side than is normal. But once you notice some details, it clearly isn’t there!
Yeah , Tassie. Eaglehawk Neck.
Righto - went there a few years back. Awesome brachiopod fossils in the rocks out towards the point from the fishing club/jetty…
From the 13th of Feb the only Norwester of the Month so far.
Time for some space photos.
First one is the Running Chicken Nebula. Personally I don’t see how it’s even close to being a running chicken. The big bright dot is the star Lambda Centuri. It’s ~420 light years away from our Sun. The nebula itself is 6,700 light years from the Sun. 50 x 120 second shots at iso 800.
This image is slightly more to the East. The power in the battery went early (remember to charge your batteries) so wasn’t enough images to build a normal colour shot, so I went for black and white and deliberately tried to bring out every dot in that image. Both images are at 600mm so about 4.1 degrees across the image diagonally. This photo is post noise reduction! 10 x 240 second shots at iso 800.
Not serious! I have that thing where you see faces in random patterns. Like in cork tiles or tree branches/ leaves. Apparently they used to think it was an illness!
I just saw the eye.
Awesome shot. What type of lens does one need to get that sort of macro effect?
That’s a 100-400mm at pretty close to minimum focus distance.
Saladin really needs a bee hive, paint the box red and black, then start the thread bomberbeez.
Exit, stage right.
Straight to the bee club newsletter guy.
(Dunno how to do strikethrough of ‘pool room’!
~~ + text + ~~ = strikethrough
Incooommmmiiiinnnnggggg !!!
These two actually stacked - or, rather, a turf altercation ensued , for no real reason that I could fathom, there’s heaps of room at the water edge - just after this shot but I didn’t catch it. They don’t mind shoving each other out of the way.