Political Correctness

Think so.

It’s take 2000 years to get through a full block. Not sure what it is, but it’s insane on cuts.

I use ordinary soap in the shower, and a Gillette Fusion Proglide.

Blades are expensive though. Whenever i go to Costco…

Sure, but what are you using to shave your face?




I wish the “poofstick” thread wasn’t so politically incorrect now.


I get a rash even when I use that

Was convinced you were a Cussons Oatmeal Soap devotee.

I don’t shave because I’m a rugged ■■■■■■ tough male man dude bro macho man.

No beard trimmer for me, I just burn the ends off with a ciggie lighter


Cigarette lighter? SOFT!

When I need to shave, I just stick my chin into bushfires.


I’d just stand near an explosion, but I’m too cool a guy to look at them.

Hipsters have beards. I hate hipsters. You blokes have gone way down in my estimation.


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Don’t worry, soon enough they’ll be replaced with piles and we’ll be back in your good books.

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That’s how I do my back hair


I’m very happy Gillette ad about toxic masculinity failed.

Gillette products are over priced garbage. They try to justify their high prices by brand associations. But just as using Gillette products were never going to turn you into Roger Federer or Christiano Rinaldo or get an F1 grid girl to suck your whatever as suggested in previous associations, they are not going to turn you into a nice guy if you are an a-hole which was their latest campaign message.

One good thing to come out of it is that more men are sharing shaving tips. And for me “the best a man can get” is the skin that is already on his face. Don’t fk with that, and that means don’t use any gillette products.

I have done a lot or shaving and skin research and my pro tips are:

  1. Wet your face, a lot with just water - then wet it a lot more
  2. Lube and massage your face where hair grows. I use a sorbolene pump. Massage firmly with your fingers perpendicular to skin. Do this until face is very wet and slippery. You will be suprised how much easier this makes shaving and prevents cuts.
  3. Put on foam layer - I use Faulding shave cream. I don’t think this helps much with cutting if you have lubed already, but it does make it easier to see where you have shaved and it collects all the cut hairs and makes it easier to get them off your face. Don’t need a brush - use your fingers, get to know your skin and direction of your hair growth and where it changes.
  4. Shave - I use Bic disposables. Yep 1 blade, low cost, use multiple times. That is all you need. You never see lumberjacks with triple headed axes, you don’t need triple bladed shavers.
  5. Wash - first with warm water to get all the foam off. Then with cold water to close all your pores. Nothing else, ever. No soap, no after shave. If you have a cut, bleed like a man. You skin has evolved over millions of years it can deal with a cut. But seriously - lubing up first and getting rid of extra blades prevents most cuts.
  6. Shaving and massaging like this keeps your skin healthy and removes old surface skin. Only wash your face with a cleaning product when it is actually dirty. Otherwise just rinse and let the natural oils build up and protect your skin.

Gillette, bringing us together in ways we never thought possible!

You are very serious about shaving.

Are you -

  1. A model
  2. Gigilo
  3. Are you a hairy Greek woman
  4. All of the above



So you used to use Gillette but changed to a more traditional shaving style?

I probably tried some Gillette stuff in my 20s but I was always switching products looking for something better. I used a brush for a while in my 30s - so that was a bit more traditional if you like. But once I started putting an initial lube layer on, it was easier and faster without the brush.

It took me a lot longer, but I don’t think your story is an uncommon one.

I mean, like the ad, don’t like the ad.
But I think the fall in revenue is more down to a lot more men finding other shaving alternatives than that ad.

You lost me at Bic

They’re atrocious