Political Correctness

What’s the story with traffic lights featuring an equal amount of pics of men and women ? Whenever I see a traffic lights ( in my eyes ) it’s a stick figure - Are my eyes deceiving me ?

Perhaps the issue is also the cost of childcare. Why go to work when most of your wage will go to someone else looking after your child? Yes, there should be better paternity leave programs, but in saying that, it’s still the woman who has to carry the child for nine months, then recover afterwards, not much we can do about that. There are also male-dominated fields in which people are also paid poorly for the amount of work they do such as chefs and meat-workers.
In reference to your point about senior positions and management, I’d argue that this would be a bit more difficult to do if you’re part-time. I suppose you have to be fortunate enough to have others who can help look after your child when you’re at work.

I don’t really disagree with your second paragraph, sexism in media is obviously there. For instance, female newsreaders seem to have more make-up caked on them than a ■■■■■■ escort. One thing that personally ■■■■■■ me off is the music industry. We’ve gone backwards in the last 20 years. Shirley Manson and Courtney Love didn’t need to parade around half naked (maybe mentioning Love here is futile), to sell records. Not every music video needed women grinding half naked all over the place. Now, we have huge hacks such as Katy Perry, Rhinna and to a lesser extent Taylor Swift, who are average, and often release ■■■■ for brains music. However, they get the cans out and in roll the dollars. In terms of walking the street, I think there’s a number of mitigating factors there. Women are physically weaker, so unfortunately we’ll always be a target for opportunists, and that includes female attackers also.

Some interesting points raised in this video.


Surely you’re not suggesting this is an exclusively female issue?
I mean, statistically, a male is more likely to be attacked on the streets than a female is

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Fewer women run top Australian companies than men named John — or Peter, or David
By Matt Liddy and Catherine Hanrahan
Updated about 5 hours ago

Fewer large Australian companies are run by women than are run by men named John.
Or Peter. Or David.

Consultant Conrad Liveris gathered the data on CEOs and chairs at Australia’s largest 200 companies for the third year running, and released it to coincide with International Women’s Day.
“To be a captain of Australian business you are 40 per cent more likely to be named Peter or John than to be female,” he said.
“Straight, white, able-bodied men aged 40-69 years, which represents the majority of Australian leadership, are 8.4 per cent of the population.”

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both are attacked by?

I think they should move international womens day to a day other than my birthday…

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If you read what I actually wrote I said without FEELING unsafe. Not without being attacked.

Who does pay for them? How do commercial channels make their money? It all comes from you and me eventually.

It goes a lot deeper than than that. It is often entrenched discrimination.
Younger women are hormonal. Older women are menopausal.
Men apparently don’t have any issue with their hormones.
Men are assertive, women displaying the same behaviour are aggressive.
I was hounded by my director for years becasue of my “behaviour” in management and other meetings becasue I would call people out (all men) when they hadn’t fulfilled their end of a deal.
In the end I basically told the director to shove it, that I was a mature woman and knew how to conduct myself in public.
I shouldn’t have to do that. But that was seen as aggressive. In a man it would be assertive.
I worked in a water infrastructure business at it was all men, all professional men, and they were like something out of the dark ages. I feel I had been an engineer I would have had their respect because any engineer would. But any other profession was way down the food chain and a woman was even lower, unless she was a secretary.
And Look at the way female surgical registrars have been bullied and harassed.
There is a lot more work to be done.
And the constant carry on about breastfeeding in publi and child friendly workplaces and cafes helps no one.

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Ahm…men are always hormonal, that’s the problem.

Don’t you mean drunk?

No, I don’t, though too much alcohol certainly makes a mess of everything.
I’m talking about a hormone called ‘testosterone’.

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So men are to blame for womens feelings now?

Well…are humans to blame for turkeys feeling nervous around thanksgiving time in the US?

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Do they feel nervous though?

Depends if they’re drunk or not.

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Just in, the latest recommendation is that all sports remove gender specific descriptors .
Ruckman becomes ruckperson.
Backman becomes backperson
Come to think of it, “Mankind” maybe offensive to some people, so while we are at it, lets change Mankind to Peoplekind.
or, using our species name, Homosapienskind if we want to be rigorous.

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Or ruckman becomes ruck, backman becomes back etc as commonly referred to already?



The real issue are people who focus on stereotypes and who perpetuate them in ignorance. Your response is an example of it.

All your listed issues are about stereotype perpetuation ignorance not hormonal issues.

Seriously, the world has gone mad.

What I’m seeing is a massive increase in bored people with nothing better to do with their time but waste everyone else’s precious time.

We are wasting more and more time trying to argue common sense approaches these days than actually achieving anything meanful.

I’ve just woken up and I already need a lie down.