Political Correctness

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what is the charge? eating a meal? a succulent chinese meal?

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What the absolute POS is this?

I’m sure it’ll show up on old media if it’s not bullshit.
Hate to sound like…whatever that is, but 2 and 3 look shopped and 4 looks unconnected.

Edit: Is that an extra hand I see in 3?

Are you guys serious?

Clearly taking the ■■■■.

The last photo, if you get the original video is hilarious.

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You don’t think I clicked the link, do you?

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Taking the ■■■■ about taking the ■■■■.

Carry on then.

PC ? Amstrad made PPCs…

How can I help you today ?


The US is ■■■■■■■ weird.


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3 and a half vs 5 and a quarter. Both floppy.

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The only thing more “over the top” than political correctness over pronouns, is people screaming they’re being oppressed over said pronouns, when they’re absolutely, categorically not.


I think you’re listening to too much Jordan Peterson mate.

Have you actually read bill C-16? He is deliberately misconstruing it. I’m soon to be a citizen of Canada after living here for over 5 years and this guy while he has some interesting things to say, is completely dogmatic on this ■■■■.

The courts have a very high threshold for what kind of comments actually constitutes hate speech, and the nature of speech would have to be much more extreme than simply pronoun misuse FFS.

And … he has possibly lost his hate speech opportunities?

Chill. You can still hate on them, just not hurt them.

Typical response. Someone simply questions a law and what they’re then Categorised as potentially hating the entire LGBT community.

My mother in law is a lesbian. She and her partner have done more for us and our growing family than anyone. They’re incredibly wonderful people.
Funny how my wife though isn’t overly free to voice her first hand view of what it was like for her to be raised only by mums and the significant impact it had on her brother.

You’d think being from Melbs Inner North it would be easy to voice your personal experience amongst such liberal people!!

Working in Asia for as long as I have collaborated with countless awesome trans gendered people. From my discussion with them they weren’t concerned when their work colleuges refered to them as he or she. Understanding that’s a small sample size and others might hate it but I don’t see how that’s such a big issue provided they’re aren’t being discriminated against, bullied or teased.

I personally refered to them as the gender they preferred. However I don’t think we should have sacked the countless number of asian employees who didn’t.

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Now that’s a typical response!

*i have friends/family who are…
*i am always an ally…
*shouldn’t be a law due to (reference something unchallengeable)

If you are constantly referred to as something you don’t identify with, that’s hurtful and should be actionable. It’s discrimination in any language. Should be protected by law just as other forms of discrimination are.

Let me know if you can narrow down on what part you think is actually unfair.


I can make jokes with my friend about his imminent gender reorientation, because he is my friend and he knows me and I know him and we have a history of jocular asides mostly about women. However, it would be gross and uncouth to say stuff to him deliberately to berate him. Your assertion that one could get into trouble for an accidental faux pas is bullshit. If your employer wants to sack you for an accidental her or him or whatever instead of what the subject person wants then it’s because your employer has got it in for you. It is exactly the same as inappropriate references to aboriginal people.

Here’s an idea. How about you zip it about laws you don’t understand and don’t apply to you.

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Gosh, is it?
In what way?