Political Correctness


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Or Barry White…or Jack Black…

James Brown?

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Not British India or Paul Kelly in the Eighties.

What about this guy?

Sorry if I’m late to the party but Deckham isn’t Italian is he?

Due cappuccini porta via, per favore!

No, unfortunately for you, fortunately for other Italians, he is not.


I can use Google translate too.

Unfortunately for me?

Made for a better sentence.

I didn’t use translate!!

So what does porta via mean? Via the door?

‘to go’

‘carry on the way’ is close translation.

E se non sono buoni ti accoltellerò.


“So men are still taking home, on average, 21% more than women, which includes things like bonuses and shift allowances,” Lee said.

“The pay gap starts for new graduates, so it isn’t just women who are starting their families, but it starts as soon as you hit the workforce out of uni.”


So just to confirm, women are getting paid less despite having the same education credentials and the same experience and doing the same job as their male counterpart?

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Yes. Straight outta uni and before family