
You can still recognise a ■■■■■ if it’s wearing a condom

I agree. How Hanson manages to get past security every time is ridiculous.


There is absolutely zero chance that her version of events is what actually transpired.



Blockquote I was walking to go to Question Time. I see a woman in full Muslim dress and in burqa surrounded by five burley security guards who looked really ■■■■■■ off.


Xenophon’s a Pom by the look of it

Can the last Senator please turn off the lights


So we are being run by people who aren’t Australians? That is just un-Australian.


Ha, his dad explicitly left Cyprus to get away from the Poms… nope.

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I bet someone somewhere is going through the full political history of Australia to see how many politicians over the years also fall the conditions.

There are two more Nats under a cloud over owning businesses connected to public service which you’re not allowed to do. One MP and one Queensland senator.

After this thing finally resolves do you reckon it might be a good idea for people running for office being required to undergo some kind of rigorous background check?

Yes. An independent, compulsory one.


“Alternative Facts”

As if she wasn’t living in an alternate reality already.

Lisa Singh did her homework before standing for the Senate. She renounced her automatic British citizenship by descent through her parents born in Fiji when it was a British colony. That was reported some time ago and should have rung alarm bells for X.

She was I.D like everyone in parliament before going in.

Not sure what the big deal is. The Saudis have women delivering the news in Burqas.

I live in a massive migrant area and see women out all the time in them. Specially on a Friday which is a Muslims version of Sunday morning mass.

When will we see a woman in a Burqa running the country? About time I say. or at least someone not praying at the Anglican Church as a spectacle each year ala Rudd and Turnbull.

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Wish we could keep Hanson in a Burqa actually. And Dutton, … and Bernazi, … and …

Why can’t the vile left take a leaf from Fred Nile’s book and learn to debate respectfully.

Under the heading “An Abomination”, Nile writes that the current edition of the newspaper carries articles to “warn us” of the “serious consequences of same-sex so called ‘marriage’ between two homosexual men”.

“Homosexual acts between two men are described by Almighty God as an abomination. An ‘abomination’ is something that God hates — if God hates same-sex relations, and same-sex ‘marriage’ how can Christians embrace it? Support it?”

Only seems to mention men. Two women? Fred’s down.


Wait, two women? No one mentioned that in rules!

Turnbull and Brandis have so far refused to answer this or raise an enquiry

All this hullabaloo about dual nationals in the parliament, Australia’s head of state isnt even an Aussie.


Not unconstitutional