Prince Andy's b0ner goes ape

T.B. knows people.

What has she got to gain by keeping quiet. She is now facing 20 years on jail time (she will be then 80+). In prison she if she is with others she will be at high risk. If she is in protective custody she will find a way to “kill herself” just like her partner in crime did.

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Who were the clients…whats their names. I’ll get them started:

Bill …


They talking about this on ABC24 on that panel show they have at about 6:00. Julia Baird started saying it was about all these themes, including “whiteness”. What an idiot. It’s about money you blind flagellating gronk. The victims were also white FFS. Legitimately was stupider than something someone on channel 7 would say. I turned it off after that.


And the Andy formerly known as Prince.

She’ll be out in 15 if she’s a good girl.

Make daddy proud.

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in other pedo news, R Kelly cops 30 years.

Maybe, maybe not…

Daddy’s well dead. So’s sugar daddy.

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that was the inference - im sure they’re both looking up at her with pride.


I can’t find an appropriate thread, so I’ll just make comment in here.

Oh my, if you have twitter and want to see some outrageous stuff, get onto #princewilliamaffair .

Can you post some.

This is about as far as I’ll go

There is an ugly side to it.


Is Prince Willie the pegger or the pegee

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Prince of Pegging.


Blackadder and his codpiece was ahead of its time


The sooner the royal family just implodes the better.

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Soooo, is this pegging taking part in the marriage or does it involve a third party? If it’s with the partner then each to their own.

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Allegedly with a 3rd party.

Someone tells me this Prince William character is second in line to be King of Oz… Noice.