Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

Thanks for the suggestion.

Who wouldn’t be taken to the sick Bay from having to be polite to the insufferable Boris and Liz Truss on the same day,

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You’re welcome.

When we will return with “One foot in the grave”.

l care even less than that. My view of the Brit royal family is more aligned to that of the Sex Pistols, even though their actual music is a pile of steaming rubbish.

Republican as I am I can still recognise a tough nut.

Don’t know if she’s been that fabulously well advised over the years though.

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I’m have mixed feeling with this. On one hand it’s the queen and with her death we can finally Be on track to be a republic.

On the other hand it’s going to effect the whole world but mainly the whole royal family. I remember when we lost my great grandmother who was the glue that held us together. I’m still not over it


She’s had the weaknesses of her strengths. Stiff upper lip, iron sense of duty. Sometimes harsh, sometimes appearing unfeeling, willing to break stuff and people to ensure the monarchy is protected.


bbc: “the queen is said to be comfortable and resting”

ie: on enough sedatives and painkillers to be able to see through time


first this, then aus republic, independent scotland, 26+6=1, etc


Wasn’t it King George the fifth whose doctor euthanised him on his deathbed in the middle of the night with a massive syringe full of morphine, because he wanted the king’s death to the announced by the more ‘dignified’ Times in the morning, rather than letting the lower-class afternoon tabloid papers get first crack at the news?


Morphine and cocaine apparently.

I respect her service to the country and the commonwealth.

I do think her passing should signal a change to a Republic


what a way to go


She served GB in WW2 , and appears to have done her “duty” right up to what may well be her final day of life 80 years later. Whatever you think of the institution, a fair bloody effort, that.


And Irish reunification, with Conor first President of a United Ireland.


Now that Scotty from Marketing has moved on it’s fait accompli surely.

Referendum, yes, next. Actually does the constitution specify a referendum or can albo just do it on the quiet? Like Scotty did?

I can see Murdoch doing his level best to kybosh it. Might sell more papers, but that’s about it.

You cannot modify the constitution without a referendum.


My favourite Elizabeth story will always be the one from when she was serving in the Women’s Auxiliary in WWII, driving transport trucks. Apparently she was assigned to ferry some Saudi royal around, and he made some sort of sneer at women being allowed to drive. Of course, as the heir to the throne, she’d had the absolute best driving training, and not just the regular stuff, all sorts of defensive driving, anti-kidnapping tactics etc etc. She slowly increased speed until she’d floored it, absolutely roaring along, in the dark, taking corners on two wheels and hammering past walls and buildings with inches to spare while the Saudi guy watched his life flash before his eyes. They had to basically pour him out of the truck at the end, he was a blubbering mess.

