Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

My guess is that William would appoint Edward to fill in. I cant see him giving Harry a sniff.

It’s the Regency Act law, William can’t choose, goes automatically to next in line (in this case Hazza)

Law would have to be changed by Parliament

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You could go down the conspiracy theorist rabbit hole regarding the “surgery” that Kate has recently had if you wanted to get to something along those lines…

I was thinking more down the lines of Richard the 3rd (sometimes referred in less than glowing terms).

  • Highly controversial.

All based on Tudor propagandists.

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Since no-one asked…


He doesn’t live in the UK, so no dice

Piers getting cranky

When has the British monarchy ever wanted to help others? Lol


■■■■■■■ off Piers is starting to make me warm a bit to the monarchy.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’ll break his brain when it’s announced Harry infected him with cancer.

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It’l break them when they find out Diana infected Charles with Cancer and now all the kids have it too.

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Back in the 80’s this would of been a headline in Britain

What ever cancer he has he will survive. King Charles will have the best doctors/medical experts 24/7

In fact it will probably be on the front page of tomorrow’s Examiner.

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No he will die, announcing a disease is like saying this is the end unless they are trying to say

I guess you didn’t specify a time frame, so that assertion is most certainly correct.


William is next in line i assume unless Harry causes trouble?