Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

For us old guys can you show how you knew that, I tried but obviously I have NFI.

What is the “odd” thing do we think?

This is Charlotte’s left hand and sleeve:

Kate’s right hand is blurry but her left hand is clear.

Some are saying the tree in the background is in autumn mode when the photo is during spring, but that one I don’t know about.

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Zero farks given.


Not seen since December. Apparently went for “surgery”, yet her husband only visited the hospital once. No one ever saw her leave the hospital in spite of a paparazzi stakeout. No public appearances, no waving from a car. They’re now saying won’t return to Royal duties until June or some such(after initially saying 6 weeks, etc etc.

While the world was focussed on Charles, the conspiracy theorists have gone all in. Everything from “divorce” to “dead” . Theori s about Charles cancer being a distraction, etc etc.

Who knows. But the “taken a couple of days ago” photo that is now being pulled by news agencies just adds to the conspiracy theories.

Note, I have no idea about any of this just heard someone going on about it a couple of weeks ago


She was seen a few days ago with her mother in a car travelling near the palace. She hasn’t been seen “officially” which is the weird thing.

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And the Palace did a deal with the media outlets to not publish that photo.

The main ones, everyone else published it.

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Weekend at Bernie’s style?

I have no idea. I was just rehashing what I’d heard. The main vibe seemed to be that she was either way sicker than they’d stated. Or that the type of surgery and reasons for it might have been something that the palace really really didn’t want getting into the public


For all the money this mob has couldn’t they have employed someone with just a modicum of ability in photoshop? It’s pretty laughable at the amateurish product they’ve presented. Don’t have that much interest in the Royals but gotta make you wonder just wtf is going on to have to go to that extreme.


No idea what’s going on but it seems to get weirder and weirder. If she’s simply recuperating then you’d think Kate would do a quick zoom or something to show she’s still alive. Very strange


Maybe they’re just trolling the media for the lulz.
I’d totally respect that play.


Somebody needs Photoshop for Dummies

whys her son throwing gang signs?


The real reason that the photo had to be doctored:



Was the photo ever claimed to be contemporaneous? Presumably the point of it was generic Mothers’ Day photo, not proof she is not dead.


Newest conspiracy theory is that Kate’s face is from a 2016 magazine cover shoot


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Mrs Wim’s tinfoil hat theory is that she’s had a hysterectomy.


That was Mrs Frost’s thought a whole back, but now she reckons it only stacks up if there were significant complications


Apparently Kate lost an arm in the surgery and she’s just been caught. photoshopping it back in.

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