Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

There are no visible growths but there may still be some cancer cells present.

The chemotherapy is being used to try prevent them from proliferating, if they are even present. They may not be, but treatment is an insurance policy.


Never heard of chemo being used in that manner, but I guess it makes sense if based on their tests cancer may be present somewhere.

Murphy has had a look at her charts and diagnosed abdominal awareness.

Oh my chortle.

But also that’s just “chemotherapy” isn’t it? There was even plenty of weirdness about this announcement.

Preventative Chemo is the common term used. The medical technical term for it is adjuvant chemotherapy. It’s not weird.

What is adjuvant therapy?

Adjuvant therapy is often used after primary treatments, such as surgery, to lessen the chance of your cancer coming back. Even if your surgery was successful at removing all visible cancer, microscopic bits of cancer sometimes remain and are undetectable with current methods.


Yup. Dad had this after his stomach was removed. Also got chemo before the surgery as well.


I’m not sure why they needed to handle anything honestly.

The initial announcement was about the surgery, that she needed time to recovery and wouldn’t resume duties until after Easter.

Absolutely bizarre the meltdowns that people were having.

Finding that they didn’t want to make any further announcement whilst the children were still in school and waited until their school break makes it even worse.


Releasing a doctored photo, throwing her under the bus for it and then announcing she would resume duties at Easter, knowing she has cancer is the bizarre part of this.

Also why isn’t her husband sitting with her while she makes the announcement.


I thought the “she’s dead”, “she’d had a BBL” and “she’s on the masked singer” were the bizarre thing.

I don’t really care to speculate on the video or William, just hopefully people can leave them be now - getting to the point that she had to make a video, just to calm down the hysteria whilst going through chemo and making sure her kids are going okay does seem a particularly low point.


People are going to make up stuff in the absence of information.

She had to make the video because of that photo stunt - that’s on the Palace. I agree, everyone should leave her alone to recover.


What a hypocritical world we live in.

The hysteria that went on regarding the ‘doctored’ photo was way over the top, regardless of the reason it was done. Print media has been guilty of it countless times over the years and social media thrives on it. Nothing in the media can be taken at face value anymore so why single out the royal family?

And I’m sure the general populace would be more than happy to have their and their family’s medical conditions plastered all over the world’s news feeds. Why the hell should they have to disclose anything about their health let alone details of a life threatening illness?

It’s one of the shittest things you could ever have to tell your kids, and that’s without paparazzi camped on your doorstep or at the school gate and speculation from everyone you come into contact with.

Regardless of whether you believe the monarchy has a place in our world or not, anyone who can’t show empathy for what their family is going through at this point in time needs to do some serious soul searching.


They had the information though. They released an statement, including a timeframe.

Social media started with the bizarre speculation, which then gained traction in the media. Which resulted in a very clumsy and silly photo release to try and ease the situation.

Palace was incorrect in releasing the photo, but the speculation was ongoing before that.

100%. Very well said!

These same tabliod scum that were harrasing Kate are now apploglizing lols

Tell thrm to get stuffed Kate :smile:


Agree completely. God only knows what she’s been through, and will have to continue going through. It doesn’t matter what she does, or what William does, or what the King does, there’s a vast population of ■■■■■■■■■ hanging around with nothing better to do than criticise all of them.

I wish her and Charles and the whole family all the best, and I hope that all who are ill make full recoveries as speedily as possible.

Which is not to say I’m a monarchist. But I hope I’m a human being.


I haven’t seen people not showing empthy for her and her family now people know.

Yes there was idiotic hysteria about her absence from the public but her “family” did no favours in feeding the bullshit that was out there.


They brought this on themselves and they deserve all the attention they are getting.


As the most public figures of all they have to balance privacy and information, and unfortunately the world we’re in now with social media and dumbarse newspapers and idiots like Piers Morgan demanding they need to know everything makes the juggling act a lot harder. But the royal family should have better publicity advisers and handle what info they do and don’t release a bit better.


I feel bad for her having cancer, I feel worse for the kids.

In the same way I feel for anyone in such a situation. Obviously in her situation the public interest adds an element, unfortunately that is the double edged blade of royalty and the celebrity obsession.

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