Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

CRIII handled it differently. Went in for something else, then publicly disclosed his cancer diagnosis. He got left alone .
Maybe it was the Wales choice to handle the public presentation differently, but it rebounded on them.

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As I said, absolute hypocrisy. It was known that both she and Charles had been in hospital so how much more information than that did people really need?

Obviously people wanted more.
No one is entitled to anyone else’s medical information, yet the number of people who seemed personally affronted by the lack of information was astounding.

And I seriously doubt the family micromanaged the press releases. Pretty sure they had more important things on their minds.


How, exactly? By not releasing her full medical records one by one as they were made? You’d like that done to you, would you?

They said she was having a major abdominal operation and would be out of action till after Easter. So far as you or I or anyone else knows, that was 100% the complete truth. Should they have said exactly what the operation was? Why the hell should they do that?

Then there was “the Photo”. So there’s a photo taken and she touches it up a bit. Who the hell doesn’t do that? So what? Imbeciles start saying she’s dead!

Now she’s said the found cancerous cells in whatever was removed and she’s having chemo. You think that’s not true?

For God’s sake.


This is the thing for me.

I can’t stand the royals, they mean absolutely nothing to me and I hate the whole concept of ‘born to rule’.

But a persons medical information is private, up until it is an issue of national security that may need to be shared with departments etc.

Pretty much all other aspects of their life is fair game, apart from probably kids.


I think having 3 young children to consider would have played a big part in that.


She literally took the blame for photoshopping the photo.

She went into hospital in January and was left alone. But as the time ticked on and there were no updates, what else are people going to do? Speculate. Idiotic and hurtful speculation. So rather than nipping it in the bud, it dragged on.

You give up some privacy as a public figure and that’s the reality, right or wrong.


Yes she did take the blame. Are you saying it wasn’t her who did it?

And nipping it in the bud how, precisely? By saying that there’s nothing more to say?

And she was left alone for approximately 2 weeks, if that, and then one after another the “royal watchers” started up.

It was an odd thing to do, both given the circumstances, and the way it was “touched up a bit”.

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A lot of public figures keep their medical information private. Many have suddenly died and no one knew they had cancer because the person wanted to keep in private to their family.

Why is it different for Kate and Will? Why do they have to tell everyone something that is a deep shock and very frightening to deal with? They had told people she was having an op and would not be available or seen until Easter. Why did they have to say anything at all after that?

They have had to go through all the emotions of discovering something that can kill her has been found. Then they have to tell their three young children and extended family and deal with all their emotions.

It is none of anyone’s business to know that unless they want to share it.


I read an article the other day about the different ways that William and Harry deal with the media.

Harry has been full on in terms of attacking them for their intrusive behaviour.

William has tried to craft a few key relationships with “friendly” media…giving them scoops on royal pics etc.

The fascination with their lives is a product of both the times and their privileged positions.

The media is a beast that requires continuous feeding…William and Kate are now learning “that you don’t make deals with the devil”

Sympathy for her as a person and mother…no sympathy for her as a royal.

Exactly that. The photo is fake. They treat the public like idiots. They deserve it.

Which, to be fair….


I don’t disagree with you, but I also don’t agree that that should be the case.

Yes some aspects of privacy are unattainable in their positions, however there should be a line drawn when it comes to things like this. They are human after all. That seems to have been conveniently forgotten. A sad indictment on the world.

I reckon someone in the family could have put their hand up and taken responsibility for the photo. And leave the family member with cancer to focus on recovery.

It took them a month to release anything about her health after her surgery.

In the world we live in, her team should have been more proactive with more public statements about her staus.


Well thats the risk you run. Ultimately she didn’t have to marry into that life. That was her choice.

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Fake? You do realise that on any high-end phone camera now, each time you click the button, it takes about 5 images and patches them together to produce a composite “best”. Is that a “fake photo”.

Grow up.

Why? They has already stated she was having an op and was then not available until Easter. Why did they have to bother saying more than that? It is no ones business beyond the first bit of information.


Most aren’t going to be the monarch, head of state or queen consort.

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That was not taken with a mobile camera.

She admitted to it being Photoshopped. Not sure what your point is.

That’s completely irrelevant to medical treatment. It is her body, it is her things to deal with, no one should demand anything from her, zero, none at all.