R 18 The team v the Dees - I'm Rutten for a win - Saturday 2:10 PM Metricon Stadium

I’ve been so worn down by Essendons crapness this year that I forgot the game was on today will watch but I really just don’t care.

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I hate to ask but does anyone have a strong view about whether a win will deprive us of a gun player next year? I haven’t bothered to look at how compromised the draft is this year

I’d be watching the footy, it’s our last game, whether we win or lose, not going to see them play again for the next 6 or so months.

In the morning I would be looking for a gutter cleaning service and book them in for the job. (especially as you say I hate doing it)

Edit: a win for you and a win for your wife. :slightly_smiling_face:


If we win I will be pretty ticked off. Just lose, hope the GC win and get pick 5

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I want the best draft picks possible.

So I’m scared…I look at that Demons side, and they look very very flakey…with everything to play for, I think they can still lose to us.

Do the gutters.



Can’t wait to tell Saad and Daniher to fk off at the end of the game.

But until then all the best today boys.


You do realize pick 5 is unlikely to be pick 5 if academy picks come into play, which is very likely.

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Finish your reps and fck off

I’ve got a feeling that rutten is doing a sheedy. Buy adding harry jones to the emergency list and he becomes a late in for gleeson (hopefully).
I did read once that harry’s idol was Joe so maybe he is thinking play him with Joe today and it might sway Joe to stay if they connect well today.
Just my theory

If it’s to hot or to cold outside, no household chores, union rules.

If the weather is just right like today, you can’t waste it doing them either. Having a beer or cooking a bbq (preferably both) is the only work allowed. You can pass the last one off as saving her from cooking dinner.

I reckon that leaves you with 22c & 27c as the only temperatures to be obligated to work on the weekend.

Atleast that’s my story, still wouldn’t watch the footy though.

What does that mean? I thought effectively your only pushed down if a team above you in draft selection gets free agency compo. Eg adelaide on crouch.

Don’t kill my buzz

So, will they be playing for John, Ben or themselves ? If they play as a team, its one ( or both) of the first 2, if they are a rabble its the 3rd option. I hope they are playing for Ben, because John is of the past. Ben is our future.

Pick 5 will be pick 7 once Ugan gets bidded on with pick 1, and Adelaide then get pick 2 with Crouch. That’ll drop us to pick 7, assuming Gold Coast win.

We’re 100% winning today. That’s how we operate, win when it hurts us.


I am getting the replay of the Collingwood game ready. I want that to be the abiding memory of 2020,
not the poxy season from round 7 onwards


I want to win, I always want to win. It makes virtually no difference whether our first pick is #5 or #8, there’s such a big element of guesswork and luck in the draft order. Significant variation in player quality (judging by numbers of games played) only becomes apparent when you look across a difference of 20 or 30 draft picks, not 1 or 2.


I want the win