Rate the Rockys


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Thereā€™s only one winner

Rocky VII - Adrianā€™s Revenge


My ranking is:

Number 3 (Because it had Mr T and Hulk Hogan in it and the hugging scene between Rocky and Apollo)
Number 1 (it was by far the best story)
Number 4 (The whole Russians are the bad guys and America are the good guys dropped it down 2 pegs)
Number 2 (very predictable)
Rocky Balboa (Too far fetched, but was ok)
Number 5 (Rating self explanatory)

Havenā€™t seen either Creed movie.

Our boy Rocky is number 1 in our books. Then maybe Rocky 4.

  1. Mount Elbert
  2. Mount Massive
  3. Mount Harvard
  4. Blanca Peak
  5. La Plata Peak
  6. Uncompahgre Peak
  7. Crestone Peak
  8. Mount Lincoln
  9. Castle Peak
  10. Grays Peak

Oh waitā€¦

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Iā€™m really shocked at the love for Rocky 4. I like the first three movies, but when I saw Rocky 4 as a kid I thought it sucked. When I rewatched it as an adult I still thought it sucked.

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added to the ignore list.

Cā€™mon, that speech at the end. Ugh.

Itā€™s all about height for you isnā€™t itā€¦

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I disagree with this take. Drago was a roided up machine and Russia wanted him to be seen as the bad guy in every way. ā€œIf he dies, he diesā€ Man what a line!!!

Viktor his son in Creed II was just a boxer and portrayed as a bad guy because of who his dad is. Seemed he wanted to try and embody what his dad was, but he just wanted a shot at winning the belt. He saw that the country and his own mother had turned his back on Ivan after he lost to Rocky, he wanted no part of all that. Just wanted to box.

In order of pure entertainment value;

Rocky IV
Rocky III
Rocky Balboa
Creed II
Rocky II
Rocky V - (SO bad)


Living in America?

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Yes! Hands down the best of the lot

Rocky 3
Rocky 4
Rocky 2
Rocky 5

Havenā€™t seen Rocky Balboa or the Creed movies yet.

He needs a montage to music.
Get it done, then Upload to YT.

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Not good enough Horse !

thatā€™s why i liked it though. Seemed very realistic about what the son wanted to do after he saw how his dad was treated

Rocky IV
Rocky Balboa
Creed II
Rocky II
Rocky III
Rocky V


Has to be the Mr T one. Clubber Lang

Foxtel has the 5 of them in a row on starting now.

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