Richmond fans praying to the wrong God. Rance retiring for faith

Que? :no_mouth:

If he wants to come back he’ll be knocking down the door in no time give he’s a quality player

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Gotta hand it to him. Few retire on their own terms like this

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Just a hunch, but I fear Ablett will be lost to the game in the same way. Lol

My friend told me what he said as they usually visit with children.

Speak to the children " You do realise that religion is a choice in Australia "


So it isn’t mental illness ?


Depends who you ask.

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Which part of the thread are you referring to?

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Now who’s gonna flop?


Who will captain the AA team from full back?

Richmond now madly phoning the AIS to recruit a replacement from the Olympic diving team.


Still a lock for the 2020 AA team


why would you care when you have magic underwear

Almost an exact line from a song I wrote about religion/s.

Hmmm :thinking:

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I preferred your early work


Hang on, this is a report in the Rage about Bitchmoand losing their star backline whinger. It’s been written by a certain Ronny Lerner, whoever he is. What’s happened to SWMNBN ?


True story that she said she had a goat ready, or true story that she had a goat ready?
I’m guessing the latter you perverted man.

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You mean the 35 year old guy whose form has been curtailing for a considerable time?

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That’s the mormons innit?
He’s JW.

So no blood transfusions, plain white shirt and door knocking. (Don’t know anything else weird about them.)