Ridiculous Player Titles for No Particular Purpose

Superfluous to our needs.

hahaha…fairy snuff…

You don’t have to be a captain to be a leader.

And as Marc Murphy has shown, you don’t have to be a leader to be a captain.

They’re all over 18 yrs old, they should not be referred to as juniors, they are all adults, some with more experience than others.

Needs a Heath Hocking option

Quoted Post

I'm going to go to work today and suggest both a senior and junior CEO be appointed.

Then as junior CEO, I will start a ku to remove the senior CEO.

Hopefully for you the test to see who is appointed Junior CEO isn’t:

Q. Match the following words and meanings up:

a) Coup d’état
b) Ku De Ta
c) Koo de Tah

  1. Asian holiday resort
  2. Cheesy 1980s band
  3. Over throwing of a Government


Pretty cool, for Bali.

hai ku de ta is
a conflagration of re
volution and pomes

ohoh ive got another:

Choose the correct spelling:

a) ovathrowing
b) overthrowing
c) over throwing


Should be hyphenated shouldn’t it?

Actually no!

Then overthrow, one word.
Hyphenated / non(-?)hyphenated is a grey area for mine

It’s an example of a compound noun.

Most compound nouns contain at least one noun. The other word or words may be an adjective, preposition, or verb. The second word is almost always the main word, with the first word modifying it or adding to its meaning.

Compound words, a large group of words to which compound nouns belong, are expressed in three ways.

Closed form - has two words that have melded together to make one word, like: softball, redhead, makeup, and keyboard.
Hyphenated form examples are: six-pack, five-year-old, and son-in-law.
Open form - has the words next to each other, like: post office, upper class, and attorney general.

Sometimes, the hyphen disappears as the word is more widely used, and it becomes a closed word.


I think our Captain should be the one with the biggest beard. It would encourage the playing group to all have a bushman and make us a team reminiscent of Zztop. The biggest bushman is obviously the wisest. This could possibly put people like Giles and Dempsey up for the role. Will Hams may have to go to the dress up shop to be a contender. For our half time game day entertainment we could have sexy cheer leaders with beards that spin guitars around 360 degrees.

I don’t want a team of hipsters.

A reply to: @PaulBarnard regarding QuoteLink

I think our Captain should be the one with the biggest beard. It would encourage the playing group to all have a bushman and make us a team reminiscent of Zztop. The biggest bushman is obviously the wisest. This could possibly put people like Giles and Dempsey up for the role. Will Hams may have to go to the dress up shop to be a contender. For our half time game day entertainment we could have sexy cheer leaders with beards that spin guitars around 360 degrees.
Hal Hunter mature age draftee?

A reply to: @Zebba regarding QuoteLink

I don't want a team of hipsters.

agreed but never underestimate the power of the beard. Tuck, Gastev

Judging by this thread, the Langford one & all the Dempsey carry on … seems blitz is off it’s meds atm.

What the hell did people get on over the break?

A reply to: @PaulBarnard regarding QuoteLink

A reply to: @Zebba regarding QuoteLink
I don't want a team of hipsters.

agreed but never underestimate the power of the beard. Tuck, Gastev

Hey I sport a close-cropped bit of bum-fluff around my face too, nothing against beards. But they are a slippery slope. It starts with a dislike for shaving and it can easily end in tight apricot coloured pants.