
Not sure if this should be in this thread, the Climate Change thread, or the Australian Politics thread. I like the bit where the Environment Minister basically said it’s up to industry to fix this stuff, not the government.

Maybe they should start building these plants in areas where coal miners and coal-powered power plant workers are losing their jobs…

No…they’ll outsource it to Korea or somewhere.

And if the CSIRO discovered the solution, they’ll give away the technology.

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The days that CSIRO give away technology is long gone.

We purchased our technology from them about 10 years ago and paid a fair price for the IP that includes royalty payments for 10 years from commercial success. The deals these days are much tougher and larger.

Twiggy Forrest and one of the Atlassian blokes are tipping a heap into a solar farm.

They should be encouraged to tip a motza into this too, as long as the country gets a fair return, whether in funds or employment. And not making assumptions about who owns the technology.

And I was suggesting that the corrupt lot in government would give it away for far less than its value.

How did you find the field of view?
All the big companies betting on AR over VR. Going to be a crazy world in 10 years.

The field of view was fine compared to some of the VR units I’ve seen. It’s not perfect of course (I found I had to keep arching my neck to look ahead as the glasses moved), but it was still very impressive. The argument between AR and VR depends on what you want to use it for. AR is orey interactive, VR is more immersive. It will probably end up as a single unit that can combine the two (mixed reality?).

Exciting times, Max Headroom.

Fark, … there’s a blast from the past!!

Max fkn Headroom, … I wonder if it’s out there on the Interverse somewhere?? :thinking:


Of course it is, …


He gets a nice little cameo in Ready Player One (the very good book, not the very ordinary movie).

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I’ve been telling Mike Cannon-Brookes he should be tipping a motza to bribe Canberra into believing in climate change, out bribe the fossil fuel companies so to speak

Perhaps you should starting tipping funds into the other party, they look after their mates.

Actually all Parties do, and for my business it makes no difference whether LNP or Labor are in Government, they both have had good programs for commercialisation of new technology and export market development.

It is always the workers who suffer under LNP, while business thrives under both.

That was pretty funny

It’s be funny, except for it being Musk.

The guy also pulled the sledgehammer hit massively.

Only because people will somehow extrapolate the glass braking to proving climate change isn’t real

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I’m clearly behind on a lot of threads around here…

Good documentary on SBS tonight at 8.30.

Einstein & Hawking: Unlocking the Universe.

(No Idea how to get Vimeo or Fakebook vidz to embed here :thinking: )


Website showing how deep the ocean is and what lives down there, as you scroll deeper and deeper.


That James Cameron doco was pretty good f you are keen on this stuff.

Deepsea Challenger IIRC. :thinking:

Edit: Challenge.

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