Season 2021 - North Melbourne

such a fkn loser club


Port going to destroy them next week

What even is a North Melbourne anyway?

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I hear it’s a situation that occurs when your biggest rival barely remembers that you exist.


The only club a cheese sponsor would seem on brand for is Melbourne. However, it would require the club to buy into the whole “pretentious snobs” stereotype.

Ehh, good on North. Saw a buck, took a buck.


More like Broquefort

With a side order of greens.

Agreed. Screw furniture or the Bomber shop. I want cheese! Give me a good deal on cheese and I’ll make any Essendon Cheese partner rich.

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Combden is the player they drafted after they traded with us to allow us to pick ahead of them. We drafted Jones with that pick. They would have been hoping that Combden would be at the same development level as Jones and would be playing a lot of games for them this year. Given their lack of keys it is a big loss for them. Also shows that there is a bit of luck in the draft process.

After bicycles and tulips right?


Don’t forget the windmills & the canals.
And drunken English tourists throwing up on the picturesque cobble stones.

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One of my best mates is a rabid Norf supporter. hes in the “i dont really care that much about the footy, im more into the EPL lately” phase of barracking for a crappy club.

Nah, the windmills are better.

Let’s be honest, the majority of Australian’s go to Amsterdamage to give their 3rd eye a good polish.
I doubt most even see a windmill!

My wife and I met a North fan once. We still talk about him to this day and wonder if he was a real, or fake like the moon landing.


Why not both?

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I’ve been in this phase for 15 years.


My brother in law is a North member, and he got my sister to become one as well as their youngest daughter. True story.

That sounds classic Norf.
Adopting your sister as their daughter.
No wonder people are talking about Tassie relocation.
Presumably that counts as two Norf memberships now as well.

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Been mates with a guy for a year or so now at work, eventually AFL came up. Turns out he is a North fan but also has a sense of humour. He said at least the 50% capacity won’t affect us, we’ve been social distancing for years.