Season 2023 - Richmond

It would be weird to approach him right this moment.

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I still believe there is more behind this resignation. FC performing poorly. Money speaks a strong language but time will tell.

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They this is starting to have the Ross Lyon Freo stink on it.

People seriously take notice of this dikkwad still?


No, he is a goose but he may be correct with this one.

I take no notice of him, never have, but l have heard this from another source as well. Just rumours at this stage, but l would be very surprised if the Blooos hadn’t been sniffing around Dimma already.

I never said he didn’t love his premierships. Not sure how you extract that assessment from my comment. In any case, you can do both - love premierships won at Richmond and want new challenge.

It is Fark Carlton we’re talking about

changing coaches is a messy business

They will go on a losing spree

Tanks get picks

Yes, Fark Carlton.

GWS would love that.


Your post on the on the Changes vs Dreamtime thread ( the last post before it was locked) was prescient.

Voss is a dud, I’d sack him for Hardwick if I was FC


I’ll just add one of those premierships was a bullshiit season on the Gold Coast.


I wish this was publicised more.

The 2020 season shouldn’t even be considered as a ‘real’ season. It was an embarrassing longer version of a NAB Cup.

Teams playing all over the joint. Shortened quarters. Regular 4-5 day breaks.

It was a joke.


He didn’t have it in him first time bad doesn’t appear to have the coaching ability second time.

Cut your losses now Carlton.

My tip is Wet Toast though

For some reason the ‘crazy’ from ‘crazy Vossy’ dropped off

is it rutten stepping up?

The finals at least should not have been shortened, but played for the full amount of time.