Season 2024 - Geelong

That’s a player we could really do with. Contest beast.

I forgot all about that game I had wiped it from my memory, fark they were so bad that night it wasn’t funny


With Merret turning 30 you think we would be all in on Rowel or maybe we are after LDU who will only cost cap space.

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Imagine Rowell feeding the ball out to Merrett & Durham, with Caldwell benefiting from having to play inside a little less.

LDU is currently a superior more rounded player, but Rowell is absolutely what we need and would make us instantly better !

I might be a bit optimistic but I see Tsatas doing that as good as Rowell if not better


He’s got some great attributes.
However, he can’t go man to man with Tom Green, Cripps, Rowell, Bont, Dangerfield types etc…

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He may we don’t know that yet.
Tsatas is actually the same height as Rowell and has the speed

Osteoporosis must have set in real early for poor Elijah

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My bad I read Rowell as taller than 180cm

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Where does that leave Noah Anderson? Surely he gets thrown in steak knives?

Would love to see Geelong tee up one of those salary dump deals that sees them score Rowell and a first only for us to swoop at last minute and nab it from them.

if we can get LDU for just $$$ cap space I think that’s a win.
I’d still prefer to trade picks and get Harley Reid, a generational player.
yes adds to our full midfield, but he is that bigger body we all wish for.
Hopefully this year we have some more ducks lined up come the end of the year trades wise.

Geelong is one of several clubs to have spoken to him and other clubs would be remiss not to do likewise

Troy Selwood has passed away. With a lifeline help number at the end of the article.

News like this is shattering.


Yeah you can read it here:

farken hell. horrible.

two young kids. ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■.

That’s horrible news. I wonder what was the cause.

The inclusion of the numbers for Lifeline and MensLine at the end of several articles makes it fairly clear. Such a shame. Far too young.


lifeline reference should tell you all you need to know.