Sick of the Geelong comparisons

Honestly... I don't care who they give the credit to, as long as they are talking about our actual football performance for a change. 


And I reckon Myers has been mentioned in every single telecast a having a 'great year so far.' 

I don't mind the comparisons at all except for two things


1. When Harley states that Bomber is a better coach than Hird on national Television




2. When all the media seem to focus on is two individuals - Bomber and Chappy


This is especially hard to take when the media people are ex Geelong or have an axe to grind against Hird.


A basic comparison between the two teams is fine (usually). The Harley one annoyed me and then I started to notice others carrying on...


Otherwise no big deal



Tom Harley only exists because he is good at clasping and unclasping his fingers to give an appearance of sincerity. Fark him.

I’m sick of this thread.

I'm sick of this thread.

nuke it, please. 

Before it gets nuked, I want to sign up with the Essendon Essendoned Geelong.

Geelong didn't Geelong Essendon.

Essendon are now in the process of Essendoning Essendon.

Nothing to do with you cockwombles.


Just say thanks for making us relevant for a decade and ■■■■ off back to obscurity.

I’m sick of being compared to the most successful club of the last 10 years.