Songs that sound like other artists songs

I have no idea why INXS haven’t sued.
Blatant theft. And the pockets are deep.

Edit: I mean at the very least they deserve a writing credit.

Obvious Eighties/Come As You Are reference.


Hi Wimm
I’m not getting the “parent” song?
Maybe I’m going daft

Need You Tonight. Tho tbf I couldn’t really pick it up either at first, until the guitar comes in around 80 seconds, but the rest of the song/melody bares zero resemblance and could just be coincidental.

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Well on that, Private Dancer by Tina Turner and Love Over Gold by Dire Straits share a chorus. However both were written by Mark Knopfler, so I suppose that is fair enough.

But only on that song, they knock off a general post Pixies mid 90s generic vibe from half a dozen other bands usually.

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I’ve always felt this would have fitted seamlessly on a Chemical Brothers album and no one would realise it was done in the 60s.

They did… and rightfully so…

Songwriters: Ali Tamposi / Andrew Farriss / Andrew Wotman / Dua Lipa / Jordan Kendall Johnson / Michael Hutchence / Stefan Johnson

Only 7 songwriters, eh? That’s light in these days of songwriting by committee…

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Speaking of The Pixies, which riff of theirs does this deplorable entity rip off.

Bowie’s riff, chords and melody are all very similar to this Sleepy Jackson song.

And then there’s artists that steal their whole sound from another act…

I quite liked the first couple of Garbage albums, but they really lost a lot of respect from me when they tried to play down the Curve…ummm… influence on their sound. They’d have been far better saying “yeah Curve are great… a big influence” and owning it.

This was mentioned ages ago in the DJ King thread. Very inspired by Cat Stevens’ Father and Son.

So “inspired” that they had to split any royalties with him after a court case.

Still love both songs anyway.

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Sounds like Kelley Deal trying to play Where Is My Mind.

Breeders / Cannonball joke - although I can’t remember what riff Kelley Deal was supposed to be trying to play that got turned into the Cannonball riff.

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Sleepy Jackson ripped off John Lennon’s #9 Dream for that, so probably more likely Bowie was inspired by it rather than some random band from Perth no ones ever heard of.

Another contender:

Fascinating history behind that sample. Felt bad for the Verve. Nice of The Stones to finally give Ashcroft writing credit. Not like they need the extra money.


I have always thought the guitar from about 2.20 sounded like Roll On from The Living End.



Whether it’s always been that way, or only after INXS tapped “her people” on the shoulder I don’t know, but that’s the current credits.

One example of the shared credit, that worked out nicely was L7 giving a shared credit on “Fuel My Fire” to the Cosmic Psychos once they realised that they had inadvertently lifted from the latter’s “Lost Cause” (the two bands had toured together a fair bit).

I understand that it was a nice bonus payday for the Melbourne boys when The Prodigy included Fuel my Fire on The Fat of the Land.

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