Sponsorship and Sport: Coming to a Head


For the first and probably only time in my life, I’m fully supportive of Gina Rinehart.

Unfortunately the sports and athletes who are choosing to go down this path are in for a world of financial pain.


The problem was the Hancock name emblazoned.
She could have made a statement disassociating the Hancock name from that of her father.
Or, she could have called it another of her companies names, but that might not have suited the tax concessions for the Hancock company.

Woodside are funding billions of dollars of research into green hydrogen production, use of hydrogen, transport of hydrogen and how best to migrate from gas to hydrogen. Do we take this into account when we say Woodside are the bad guys and we shouldn’t accept their sponsorship. In twenty years time they could be one of the greenest energy providers in Australia. It isn’t a straight forward issue.


More about the development of new fossil fuel sites.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

We can debate the ethics of it (her fathers comments, the history of Hancock Prospecting etc) until the cows come home and still never get anywhere. At the end of the day… she has provided significant financial support to many sports and athletes for nearly 30 years across this country of all backgrounds, religions etc.

Never apologise for past wrongs? It’s not that hard.

So her father makes an extremely inappropriate remark (and probably one of many from him at that time and with that particular generation) nearly 40 years ago and she is the one that needs to apologise?

This is exactly what is wrong with this planet right now.

Maybe, if he was still around, he would not want her to apologise. They were his comments and views, despite how socially unacceptable they are to many in this current climate.

My parents make a massive blue 40 years ago that in this day and age is frowned upon and I’m expected to apologise for them? Nah. Don’t think so.

She has every right to withdraw her money from these organisations that all of a sudden have this moral dilemma. 100% the right call.


A public figure, recorded for posterity.
She could say she does not share his views and is sorry for the hurt caused.
That’s what other public figures have done.

I’m not a fan of hers in the slightest but it’s great she has shown some resolve with this and not capitulated, like many other public figures have under pressure, to the media and others around her.

Many people won’t want to publicly voice this opinion but they would think along similar lines.

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Good point. People must stop viewing climate change as a niche woke issue, . People like Rockliff are just trying to use “gotchya” tactics and beat up on so called “lefties”

It’s gonna cause havoc society wide and a system change is our only chance.

If pat cummins wants do draw attention to it through his profile, all power to him.


Maybe Carmen Lawrence has the right idea.
Tax those companies more and use the tax to fund sports.
The alternative to sports washing.

Gina is a huge part of the corporate capture of our democratic institutions. She is no friend of this country or the little people. Absolute poison


This will become more relevant as time passes


I find it hard to believe that anyone would view Gina Rinehart as a victim here.

There’s nothing altruistic about any of her sponsorship deals…it’s just another tax break for her.


Gina definitely ain’t a victim and NA has made the decision it’s now up to them to find alternative funding or force the players to take drastic pay cuts. The current model is unsustainable without adequate funding

a sport which aceman mentions above is poorly run, deep in debt and players wanting more money to play.
i’m curious where they see the money coming from ?

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She is continuing to fund until the sponsorship contract expires.

Her funding unfortunately still doesn’t cover the costs and huge changes need to take effect to get it to a point where it’s sustainable. NA have no plan B due to their incompetence so unless either a white knight comes along or they make wholesale changes they are in massive strife. Already been some talk of players considering jumping ship