Star Wars,Rise of Skywalker FULL SPOILERS!

Even people who don’t follow Star Wars know the original characters:
Luke Skywalker
Darth Vader
Obi Wan Kenobi
Han Solo
Princess Leia

I struggle to remember the names of the new characters and I think that is very telling. It was once a cultural phenomenon. Now it is just a series of movies mixed in between other series of mega movies, like Marvel , DC, etc.
I’ll still watch it, but it has definitely lost its lustre.

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I reckon the thing with c3po is he is sacrificing himself for the cause or something

It’s kind of sad how with the whole saga ending, the most interesting aspect is the empower who was supposed to of died back in the originals

Not a chance in hell rian Johnson will get a chance to film his trilogy. If this one bombs, Disney will jettison him for killing their franchise

I’m still going with the theory that the Jedi name will be dead and they will all be called “sky walkers” as a homage to Luke by the end of the movie

It was always going to. Lucas sold out when he dicided to make a series of new films, then sold out even more when he sold the thing to Disney who were always going to milk it for all it is worth.

My only gripe is that they tried to hold onto the old characters for too long, they should have moved on far more quickly. 7 should have been the end of the old and the start of the new. And their attempts at in-between stories were stupid.

Looks fkg ■■■■.

Bringing back palpatine at this point in time just wreaks of throwing mud to the wall to see what sticks.

I’m confused as to what the other sith lord dude was even doing in the first two movies?

Oh well, the whole thing was an uninspired derivative money extracting exercise for Disney, and the trailer gives me no hope that this will be anything but.

Charge of the light brigade?

They should reboot Caravan of Courage and The Marauders of Endor. That’s where the real money’s at.


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I just cant believe that such an iconic series couldn’t get a top-notch writing team and coherent, consistent storylines. And that starts with Phantom Menace. So much money spent, so many writers out there and we get trash.


I kind of agree that the trailer…is an okay trailer but it doesn’t make me care about this film at all.
I don’t care what happens next.
Bringing back Palpatine is…so dumb.
Very high Zif factor.
I don’t think anything will top floating Leia for zif, but bringing back the Emperor comes close.

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I didn’t mind the idea of floating Leia, in fact I quite liked it. but the execution of that shot was laughable. Why they had to make her look like Mary Poppins I will never know

Can’t trust the trailers though.

Rogue One went from looking fricken awesome to an ok movie. They edited out the story that was set up by the trailer.


Wow they foreshadowed Trump


It’s kind of the inverse of the saying “too big to fail”. It’s too expensive to succeed, though that is a problematic statement because they have certainly made money. However it does seem Disney spent so much they can’t afford to trust anyone. Maybe they trust JJ, but I find he is always too busy paying homage or re-visiting the original works to interest me much. He did the same with Star Trek.

Lucas was at least daring with the basic premise of the prequels. It just didn’t work and grandiose became dull and ponderous. They mainly served to highlight his weaknesses as a director/story-teller.

Watching that trailer makes me think that apart from the two standalones, which I enjoyed, they have basically just remade IV, V, and VI. Which is probably an over simplification but that was my first thought at the end of the trailer.

I will still watch it, because I can’t not. Visually and audibly they are a fun feast, at least. But not at the cinema. I’ll wait till I can crank them at home.

The prequels weren’t even that bad tbh.

Aside from a fkg stupid Jar Jar Binks and sloppy acting/ writing of the Padme/ Anikin relationship, everything else was fine without being exceptional.

They knew their place. They were prequels, they serve as addendums to the original trilogy and actually seek to explain or shed further context to something… while the sequels just…I dunno, are completely fkg pointless.


They were trash. Holes in the story you could drive a Bantha her through.

Cmon man.

Natalie Portman almost singlehandedly saved them through.

I really liked JJ’s version of Star Trek…

Most people do, I recognise that I am very much in the minority. I enjoyed the first one, it was solid enough, and some of the casting was great. Karl Urban I could watch all day as McCoy for example. His explanation for how he came to be known as Bones is chef’s kiss. But for me the strength of the opening sequence gets immediately undercut by the following young Kirk car sequence. Kind of like Jar Jar arriving in The Phantom Menace at about the same point. Details, aspects I love. The film I was hoping for was a movie length version of the “I dare you to be better” trailer - whoever cuts JJ’s trailers for him really knows what moves me. The guy who plays Pike knows how to give a speech. They look great, sound great. I re-watch the first one occasionally.

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Ditto, the next two were hot garbage though. I think Michael Giaccino knocked the score out of the park in the first one and that’s a big part of why it works so well. Also, Bana was awesome.

I didn’t mind the car chase scene if only because it gave me a thrill to hear sabotage used as diegetic music in a trek film.

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I’ve long been a fan of both Trek and Wars, but discussing both in the same thread seems a bit … wrong.