Stoner sloth anti drugs campaign

One of my kids has had substance abuse issues, and though he did start smoking dope in his teens, it was not the reason he went into harder stuff. Being in the Army and watching women and kids die in Afghanistan had a much greater effect.

I don’t the answers, but I do know that even these crap campaigns don’t do any more harm and at least people talk about it and maybe get a bit more knowledge. And you cannot compare the stuff I smoked back in the olden days to the high powered weed of today, it does really fark with your brain.

One of my kids has had substance abuse issues, and though he did start smoking dope in his teens, it was not the reason he went into harder stuff. Being in the Army and watching women and kids die in Afghanistan had a much greater effect.

I don’t the answers, but I do know that even these crap campaigns don’t do any more harm and at least people talk about it and maybe get a bit more knowledge. And you cannot compare the stuff I smoked back in the olden days to the high powered weed of today, it does really fark with your brain.


You know I get grumpy when you agree with me Tripper !!!

I agree too, that should really tip you over the edge!

I don't the answers, but I do know that even these crap campaigns don't do any more harm and at least people talk about it and maybe get a bit more knowledge. And you cannot compare the stuff I smoked back in the olden days to the high powered weed of today, it does really fark with your brain.

The THC levels are getting very very strong now, while the breeding and growing for levels other active cannabinoids like CBD have diminished. High THC varieties with little or no CDB are shown to produce very high anxiety in some consumers.

If you take a few states like Washington or Colorado in the USA, where it is now legal and taxed, there has been a massive focus on growing a variety of different cannabis strains for various uses. I.e medicinally to treat anxiety, treat pain, treat loss of appetite, treat PTSD and also recreanbtional use I.e euphoria, body stoned etc . Every packet of cannabis purchased from an accredited seller shows the buyer the THC and CDB potency levels, so users are able to make informed decisions best suited to them. When it’s illegal you get no knowledge or information and these extremely potent THC strains that have emerged that can really mess with people.

It’s like getting rid of light beer, different wines and spirits and bottle shoips, and just selling highly potent moonshine in unmarked bottles with no labels from guys on street corners.

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety.
Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety. Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

Stonersloth says: “that would make me mad…and anxious, but I’m too stoned to care. xxx”

I agree too, that should really tip you over the edge!

Yep, there goes my Xmas.

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety. Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

No. Just no.
Just…just 100% ignorant wrong, wrong, wrong.

You think key doctors in the field are saying, ‘Well, I could endorse this product with a nice little kickback but I’d really rather screw the man’?

For some conditions it’s a little better than, let’s be frank, designer drugs.
For some conditions it’s the one.

And i wouldn’t care if it was heroin. I wouldn’t care if it was ice.
If controlled doses were the best option then do it.
Fark me, does any other position ■■■■ me right off.
And who the fark is telling people with five years of Uni and twenty years experience in the field, no.
Suburban lawyers and union lackeys with preselection. Fark those guys all the way to hell.

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety. Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

Your ignorance is just astounding.

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety. Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

The CBD is meant to be helpful for anxiety, the THC has the psychosis inducing effect.

Using amphetamines to treat ADHD sounds just as counter-intuitive, but for those people with those imbalances of chemicals in their brains, it works.

I don’t really see why it’s so controversial, TBH - we’ve been using opiates for medicinal purposes for over a century, and various amphetamines for decades.

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety. Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

No. Just no.
Just…just 100% ignorant wrong, wrong, wrong.

You think key doctors in the field are saying, ‘Well, I could endorse this product with a nice little kickback but I’d really rather screw the man’?

For some conditions it’s a little better than, let’s be frank, designer drugs.
For some conditions it’s the one.

And i wouldn’t care if it was heroin. I wouldn’t care if it was ice.
If controlled doses were the best option then do it.
Fark me, does any other position ■■■■ me right off.
And who the fark is telling people with five years of Uni and twenty years experience in the field, no.
Suburban lawyers and union lackeys with preselection. Fark those guys all the way to hell.

I was referring to anxiety in particular. I find that one particularly farcical as one of the potential side effects of long term cannabis usage is drum-roll please cannabis…

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety. Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

No. Just no.
Just…just 100% ignorant wrong, wrong, wrong.

You think key doctors in the field are saying, ‘Well, I could endorse this product with a nice little kickback but I’d really rather screw the man’?

For some conditions it’s a little better than, let’s be frank, designer drugs.
For some conditions it’s the one.

And i wouldn’t care if it was heroin. I wouldn’t care if it was ice.
If controlled doses were the best option then do it.
Fark me, does any other position ■■■■ me right off.
And who the fark is telling people with five years of Uni and twenty years experience in the field, no.
Suburban lawyers and union lackeys with preselection. Fark those guys all the way to hell.

I was referring to anxiety in particular. I find that one particularly farcical as one of the potential side effects of long term cannabis usage is drum-roll please cannabis…

Daytripper, it's been staring us in the face all along, it's pig latin - Dr Atripper

Also “the whole industry is a farce” = “one particular instance”

Backpedal any quicker and you could win 2012’s Tour de France.

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety. Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

No. Just no.
Just…just 100% ignorant wrong, wrong, wrong.

You think key doctors in the field are saying, ‘Well, I could endorse this product with a nice little kickback but I’d really rather screw the man’?

For some conditions it’s a little better than, let’s be frank, designer drugs.
For some conditions it’s the one.

And i wouldn’t care if it was heroin. I wouldn’t care if it was ice.
If controlled doses were the best option then do it.
Fark me, does any other position ■■■■ me right off.
And who the fark is telling people with five years of Uni and twenty years experience in the field, no.
Suburban lawyers and union lackeys with preselection. Fark those guys all the way to hell.

I was referring to anxiety in particular. I find that one particularly farcical as one of the potential side effects of long term cannabis usage is drum-roll please cannabis…

You should choose your words more carefully than 'the whole marijuana industry; then.
Because the restrictions on it now, that;s criminal.
And if you think psych nurses are unfamiliar with cannabis psychosis, come on…
Let alone prescribing cannabis for it.

Also "the whole industry is a farce" = "one particular instance"

Backpedal any quicker and you could win 2012’s Tour de France.

Not backpedding. The whole industry in general is just an excuse to sell legal dope to the average user.
Some of the reasons why cannabis is prescribed by certain dodgy doctors are almost comical.

Also "the whole industry is a farce" = "one particular instance"

Backpedal any quicker and you could win 2012’s Tour de France.

Not backpedding. The whole industry in general is just an excuse to sell legal dope to the average user.
Some of the reasons why cannabis is prescribed by certain dodgy doctors are almost comical.

Stay wrong then.

I find it hilarious that people actually think that pot can be used medicinally for anxiety. Sort of like treating alcoholism with alcohol.

The whole medicinal marijuana industry is a farce with one or two exceptions where oil is used and the THC content is stripped out.

That’s probably the worst analogy I’ve seen you post, and there’s no shortage of those.

Did you even read what I wrote?

Here try some education:

How Can Marijuana Help? Studies show that the endocannabinoid system – the body’s natural cannabinoid system – plays a major role in regulating anxiety. Cannabinoid receptors – the binding sites of cannabinoids – are highly concentrated in certain parts of the brain that are responsible for anxiety, including the amygdala and hypothalamus.

Interestingly, studies show that patients experience higher levels of anxiety when cannabinoid receptors are blocked by drugs such as rimonabant. Likewise, regular cannabis users report that marijuana helps to reduce their anxiety levels.

Research has also linked the endocannabinoid system to the extinction of bad memories – supporting its potential role in treating post-traumatic stress disorder – as well as the growth of new brain cells (neurogenesis), which is believed to improve anxiety levels.

On the other hand, paranoia and anxiety attacks are some of most commonly reported side-effects of marijuana use, especially in new and infrequent users. Indeed, studies have revealed a complex link between cannabinoids and anxiety, suggesting that marijuana’s effect on anxiety depends on both the dosage taken as well as the type of cannabinoids that are present.

THC’s Effect On Anxiety
Studies conducted on both animals and humans have revealed a surprising effect of THC on anxiety. That is, THC seems to have opposite effects on anxiety levels depending on the dosage, with THC acting to decrease anxiety at lower doses yet increasing anxiety at higher doses.

On the other hand, experts believe that studies involving pure THC fail to accurately portray the effects of marijuana on anxiety, since cannabis contains over 60 different cannabinoid compounds.

Most notably, marijuana contains a compound called cannabidiol (CBD), which has also drawn significant interest as a potential treatment for anxiety disorders.

CBD’s Effect On Anxiety
While THC acts primarily on the CB1 receptors that are found in high concentrations throughout the brain, CBD seems to have little to no effect on CB1 receptors. Still, studies have found CBD to play a major role in regulating anxiety and have even suggested that it may be a more effective treatment than THC for anxiety disorders.

The first study to document CBD’s effect on anxiety was published in 1982. The study found that CBD could block the anxiety provoked by THC among 8 healthy test subjects, implying that CBD-rich marijuana strains may be a better option for relieving anxiety.

Research on CBD’s anti-anxiety effects has picked up again in recent years, with studies confirming its ability to reduce anxiety levels in both healthy and sick individuals.

The first study to investigate its therapeutic role in patients with anxiety disorders was published in 2011 by researchers at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. The study involved giving a 400mg dose of CBD to 10 patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, who then underwent a brain scan. The results showed that CBD – compared to placebo – was able to significantly decrease subjective anxiety measures as well as activity in certain parts of the brain normally associated with anxiety.

Another study published by the same group of researchers later in 2011 involved 24 patients with social anxiety disorder, who were given a 600 mg dose of CBD before undergoing a simulated public speaking test (meant to induce anxiety). The results showed that a single dose of CBD taken 90 minutes before the public speaking simulation could reduce anxiety as well as cognitive impairment and discomfort during speech performance

Also "the whole industry is a farce" = "one particular instance"

Backpedal any quicker and you could win 2012’s Tour de France.

Not backpedding. The whole industry in general is just an excuse to sell legal dope to the average user.
Some of the reasons why cannabis is prescribed by certain dodgy doctors are almost comical.

And who the hell is prescribing cannabis in this country?
I know personally doctors who would…sigh they’d give a LOT to be able to prescribe and administer it legally.
You think doctors are giving scripts for a headache?

Also "the whole industry is a farce" = "one particular instance"

Backpedal any quicker and you could win 2012’s Tour de France.

Not backpedding. The whole industry in general is just an excuse to sell legal dope to the average user.
Some of the reasons why cannabis is prescribed by certain dodgy doctors are almost comical.

I get it.
But still…faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark me!