Stoner sloth anti drugs campaign

Daytripper - I would be interested to hear your reasons as to why you think this ad compaign would be successful
Are you in that “target group”?
Have a number of people within the target group told you that it has influenced their decisions regarding camnabis?
Are you qualified or do you work in a psychology based job?

Daytripper - I would be interested to hear your reasons as to why you think this ad compaign would be successful Are you in that "target group"? Have a number of people within the target group told you that it has influenced their decisions regarding camnabis? Are you qualified or do you work in a psychology based job?

I’m not definitively saying it will or won’t be successful. Just that its worth a shot and that I don’t think it is deserving of the criticism that it is getting.

The critics are guilty of taking things too literally and not truly understanding the concept behind it. The ad is meant to be a slow creeper in my opinion in that it may make teenagers think twice before wanting to try pot. Just like all similar ads before it.

I know far too many people who are basically brain dead now because they started smoking cannabis in their teenage years. I also have an opinion that there is a strong link between cannabis smoking and ice - same social demographic groupings, same ingestion methods, same supply mechanism.

That is not to say that all pot smokers (or even 10%) are ice users but that ice users have invariably graduated from pot.

Now await the inevitable response that DT thinks all pot smokers are ice smokers

Marijuana is as much a gateway drug to ice as Metallica is a gateway band to gay.

Look, the ad has succeeded in one way more than most can ever hope for.
People are talking about it.
And yes, people including the target audience are mocking it or calling stupid.
But is there a, ‘yeah but…’ sting in the tail that sits in the subconscious?
That’s as generous as I can get.

Daytripper - I would be interested to hear your reasons as to why you think this ad compaign would be successful Are you in that "target group"? Have a number of people within the target group told you that it has influenced their decisions regarding camnabis? Are you qualified or do you work in a psychology based job?

I’m not definitively saying it will or won’t be successful. Just that its worth a shot and that I don’t think it is deserving of the criticism that it is getting.

The critics are guilty of taking things too literally and not truly understanding the concept behind it. The ad is meant to be a slow creeper in my opinion in that it may make teenagers think twice before wanting to try pot. Just like all similar ads before it.

I know far too many people who are basically brain dead now because they started smoking cannabis in their teenage years. I also have an opinion that there is a strong link between cannabis smoking and ice - same social demographic groupings, same ingestion methods, same supply mechanism.

That is not to say that all pot smokers (or even 10%) are ice users but that ice users have invariably graduated from pot.

Now await the inevitable response that DT thinks all pot smokers are ice smokers

Oh dear.

*and all I’ll say regarding this tripe is that most users of all illicit drugs graduated from alcohol. The rest I just can’t be bothered with.

Daytripper - I would be interested to hear your reasons as to why you think this ad compaign would be successful Are you in that "target group"? Have a number of people within the target group told you that it has influenced their decisions regarding camnabis? Are you qualified or do you work in a psychology based job?

I’m not definitively saying it will or won’t be successful. Just that its worth a shot and that I don’t think it is deserving of the criticism that it is getting.

The critics are guilty of taking things too literally and not truly understanding the concept behind it. The ad is meant to be a slow creeper in my opinion in that it may make teenagers think twice before wanting to try pot. Just like all similar ads before it.

I know far too many people who are basically brain dead now because they started smoking cannabis in their teenage years. I also have an opinion that there is a strong link between cannabis smoking and ice - same social demographic groupings, same ingestion methods, same supply mechanism.

That is not to say that all pot smokers (or even 10%) are ice users but that ice users have invariably graduated from pot.

Now await the inevitable response that DT thinks all pot smokers are ice smokers

Did you really just say ‘slow creeper’??

Yeah-nah. Marijuana is as much a gateway drug to ice as Metallica is a gateway band to gay.

Look, the ad has succeeded in one way more than most can ever hope for.
People are talking about it.
And yes, people including the target audience are mocking it or calling stupid.
But is there a, ‘yeah but…’ sting in the tail that sits in the subconscious?
That’s as generous as I can get.

Not saying its a gateway drug mate.
Just that there are many similarities in the user base and how it is used.

Personally, I doubt an ad would deter anyone.

However - if you wanted an ad as a deterrent to kids: Legalise weed, and show footage of parents smoking it. Kids won’t touch it if their parents think it’s cool. :smiley:

Or - we could just do the smart thing: legalise it, regulate it, and then put an enormous tax on it. Budget in surplus within 5 years I reckon.


I know far too many people who are basically brain dead
This is about the first thing you've posted I've ever agreed with.
Daytripper - I would be interested to hear your reasons as to why you think this ad compaign would be successful Are you in that "target group"? Have a number of people within the target group told you that it has influenced their decisions regarding camnabis? Are you qualified or do you work in a psychology based job?

I’m not definitively saying it will or won’t be successful. Just that its worth a shot and that I don’t think it is deserving of the criticism that it is getting.

The critics are guilty of taking things too literally and not truly understanding the concept behind it. The ad is meant to be a slow creeper in my opinion in that it may make teenagers think twice before wanting to try pot. Just like all similar ads before it.

I know far too many people who are basically brain dead now because they started smoking cannabis in their teenage years. I also have an opinion that there is a strong link between cannabis smoking and ice - same social demographic groupings, same ingestion methods, same supply mechanism.

That is not to say that all pot smokers (or even 10%) are ice users but that ice users have invariably graduated from pot.

Now await the inevitable response that DT thinks all pot smokers are ice smokers

Did you really just say ‘slow creeper’??


It's extremely important to keep teenagers, with still forming/growing brains, away from any substance that is harmful when abused . Where the ad fails miserably, which has been quickly identified by it's target audience, that consuming cannabis in general makes you some totally non-functioning waste of space that can't even pass table salt.

If you want to convince the teenagers of something and take in the message, don’t distort and overplay.

I’m not totally convinced of that argument. The meth ads in the US were quite successful and they definitely had some shock value.

And then of course there were the first AIDS ads with the grim reaper in a bowling alley.

To be honest, I know plenty of long term cannabis users who are more or less divorced from reality now. I think this ad is trying to show what can happen to you as distinct from what will happen if you have a single cone or joint.

I didn’t say don’t do any ads, just that this ad is quickly dismissed by it’s target audience because it’s … well, slightly ridiculous. Mentioning meth ads in the US has nothing to do with my argument. We need meth ads , and for them to be as shocking and truthful as possible.

Not sure how AIDS compared to cannabis exactly.

Stay away from cold sores… it’s a known gateway to AIDS.

Geez has decades of a failed war on drugs and total prohibition taught us nothing?

Of course one can make an argument as cannabis is a ‘gateway’ drug to anything else, because in a way it’'s true. Simple reason: When you make something like cannabis illegal then people seeking it out are now exposed to other illegal drugs sold by the same dealers. Someone looking to get drunk isn’t exposed to illegal drugs, someone seeking to get stoned is much more likely to be.

Also people with mental issues looking to will self-medicate via substance abuse will do so on any anything that helps them achieve that .(alcohol, ice, cannabis, prescription drugs, heroin) … they may abuse cannabis, they may smoke ice, they may drink , that may do all 3 in isolation, or in combination… And they will continue to do so until the cause of self-medicating is addressed.

I recall an anti heroin ad from the 80’s. You’d see it in music magazines and the like. Had a cartoon depiction of a sinister syringe. Worked on me.

you want kids not to do drugs, make them watch a season of ‘Intervention’

Real world examples , real families, real pain.

you want kids not to do drugs, make them watch a season of 'Intervention'

Real world examples , real families, real pain.

I reckon getting genuine drugged out drop kicks to speak at schools could potentially act as a rather large deterrent
“Hey kids, remember those junkies at the train station you make fun of? Well, here’s one and 10 years ago he was you”

you want kids not to do drugs, make them watch a season of 'Intervention'

Real world examples , real families, real pain.

You watch Judge Judy, dontcha?

you want kids not to do drugs, make them watch a season of 'Intervention'

Real world examples , real families, real pain.

I reckon getting genuine drugged out drop kicks to speak at schools could potentially act as a rather large deterrent
“Hey kids, remember those junkies at the train station you make fun of? Well, here’s one and 10 years ago he was you”

I had a teacher who said they did that when he was at school.
And worked really well until one of the kids went, ‘yeah, okay, but…what’s it like?’

Good luck reaching your target audience. ■■■■ all of them watch TV.

Cos they’ve sold it for drug money.