Surgery anyone?

How did it happen ?

Slipped down large marble stairs & landed heavily on the knee.
Wasnt on phone, rushing or being silly. Just one of those things unfortunately

Shine Lawyers !!!

Reason I asked was I met a guy in Texas recently who was on crutches and had his knee strapped with a massive plastic contrapion. I asked when happened expecting to hear a story about a sporting injury.

Nope he slipped on a staircase leaving a restaurant in downtown Houston. full knee reconstruction later and a million dollar settlement from the building insurers.

I’m focusing on recovery for the time being. Trying to remain as positive as I can and stay true to course with physio and surgeon strategy.
If I ends up stuck at 80 degrees like it has been for months, not being to jump or run, I’ll be pursuing all options. I have 4 kids between 1 and 9 and an uncle in law who is one of Australia’s most successful lawyers for issues such as these.
The positive to come from it is it’s forced more time with the family, it’s given perspective for those who’ve suffered or still suffer far worse.
The stress it’s put on my wife how been ■■■■■■ hard to watch. I owe her everything for the way she’s taken care of me and the kids through this injury.


I’d be looking at a different physio and/or an EP if it were me.
Ortho can only do so much.

Wow I better check how slippery my large marble stairs are. Oh yeah, I don’t have any!

Any progress/updates @The_Firing_Line ?

Involved in a medium impact smash a few weeks back after someone run up the back of the Scottymobile. Enough to set the airbags off and give out a nasty bit of whiplash.

Literally in right now

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I’d recommend putting in a TAC claim even if you think you don’t need to.

I had a similar sounding bingle - POS van rear-ended me going about 40km/h - I thought I was all OK, just a bit of a sore neck. my neck’s never been the same again. Needed monthly osteo for about a year, still need it occasionally about a decade later.


Done that, well worth doing

I’m six weeks into recovery from removal of bone spurs that were embedded in (ie: had grown up through) my Achilles tendon. Still wearing a cam boot despite being able to fully weight bear with absolutely no pain or discomfort - annoying as all fk but I’m a good boy who listens to medical professionals. I suspect my recovery plan was drawn up based purely on my age and weight with no regard given to my general health otherwise and my Wolverine like healing abilities. Oh well.

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Ha! Well that answers that.

One of the grafts hadn’t taken?

Thankfully that’s not the case.
They had to remove scar tissue and tidy up parts around the tendon as it’s shortened since the graft.
They have me connected to a ROM devise set at 90 and will incrementally increase over the next 3 days.
Hoping to get to 115-120.

Ive had Cataracts removed from both eyes in the last 2 weeks…

A surreal experience day surgery under a little sedation .

You can actually see the surgeon in your eye but feel nothing…

20 minutes later and a whole new world has arrived…

for 2 weeks i walked around blinking noticing the difference.

it was like the eye not done was smeared with vaseline…

Glasses gone time to go back to golf as i quit as i couldnt follow the trajectory after 35m… let alone see where it landed.