Team photo, leadership group

Only thing I've taken from that pic is that if Dempsey threw a backpack at me I'd run like fark!

Just for you boot

Couldnt they pick a better background than a farken blank wall

you do realise that when the final comes out that wall aint gonna be there?

Only thing I've taken from that pic is that if Dempsey threw a backpack at me I'd run like fark!

Just for you boot

Thanks Ben.
It’s a ripper.

In that pic Crowley looks like he’s straining slightly against a leash. Look forward to seeing what happens when he’s released…

In that pic Crowley looks like he's straining slightly against a leash. Look forward to seeing what happens when he's released...

Yep. looks like he wants to belt the photographer.
And I think Bags is asleep.

Only thing I've taken from that pic is that if Dempsey threw a backpack at me I'd run like fark!

Just for you boot

fkn (fat) Hipster …

Only thing I've taken from that pic is that if Dempsey threw a backpack at me I'd run like fark!

You have totally missed the point of what he is doing, up until this point, Hal hunter was what came to mind when people thought bearded bomber.

He is taking it back.

Simon Madden is happy

Beard pony tail

For the past few seasons the leadership group sits in the same row as the coach

Going off this, we know BJ and Bags are C and VC but it looks like it’s Zaka, Demps, Zerrett and Bird

Is there a gap between bergers and trimmers for michael to slot into?

I think Mark Jamar will be Photoshopped in there! Shame they’re all about to slide off the basketball court to the right!!!


Beard pony tail

That’s one phat beard.