The 2024 Draft [no longer spec] Thread

For his sake I hope not.

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I think the state combine results only came out today, but agreed on the latter

I dont understand the draft value index.

They give a 20% discount to father son and academy kids. But those two factors are the only two that have any relation to the DVI, no one else has to bid match or use points.
So whats the point in the dicount?

Just have every pick worth 20% less and dont bother with the discount, it’s meaningless.

It’s not the points value that matters, it’s the relative values of the picks. Reducing all the values by 20% does nothing in terms of what it takes to match.

Let’s say pick 1 was worth 40 points, pick 5 30 points, and pick 13 10 points. So with no discount we can match a pick 1 bid with pick 5 and 13 (30 + 10 = 40).

If we reduce all the values by 20%, pick 1 is now worth 32, 5 is worth 24, and 13 is worth 8. 24 + 8 = 32, same picks match the bid.


Some more detail at:

Unfortunately the actual best winner of the Combines has no simple path (back) to us:


True, I just came in from the heat whwn I wrote that. My bad.

Having a 20% discount is still a pointless exercise. Whether farther son or academy, just pay market value



All the reasons why I think he would make a great pressure forward alongside kako

Half agree

Get rid of the discount for academies (and get rid of the southern academies completely.

Leave for F/S.
Much much much smaller pool.

That’s how I view it.
Leave Northern academies until the two expansion teams have been around long enough, and have father son prospects the same as every other club.

Then let the AFL control all academies, and the draft goes back to just F/S for all.

Then Tassie can have the same deal until established enough.


The issue is clubs won’t be involved with local communities if they cannot get an infield benefit from it. And if you get rid of academies it would need several years lead in times. So it would get worse before it’s gone.

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I just don’t see this as feasible. For a not for profit it does a good job of running like a publicly listed company.

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And it’s high time they were actually reeled in and held accountable for their spending and over inflated wages.

Agreed but we both Know it won’t happen

@noobermensch, you may have already answered this but what are your thoughts on us trading out pick 9? You think it’s a good move?

Yep I mentioned it as one of my preferred scenarios a few weeks ago.

My thought process went something like: next season is make or break for this current list build and probably for Brad Scott as we can’t continue to hover just outside the eight going nowhere. One more 18 year old won’t make much of a difference to how we play next season. Given the thirst for first round picks this year, IF we were to get overs for pick 9/11 which would allow us to trade it into next season and get extra capital to match Kako we should take it.

Then next year we’ll be equipped with two first rounders, potentially trade into more draft capital by moving out higher value assets (like Parish) and have a real proper dip at a big rebuild.


No, he prefers players like Alwyn Jr, 2MP and Weid.



My point is more that they are soft. Lav not soft, just limited.

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