The 2024 Draft [no longer spec] Thread

Yep. It’s based off where the picks sit at the time the bid is made

(Technically in your example our picks would go back a spot first due to the creation of the Ashcroft pick, then move up one for every pick they used to match).


Sorry one more question:

Does each subsequent pick you use move forward one place as you absorb or is it done simultaneously

E.g. if bris pick 27 gets absorbed, is their next to be absorbed now 33 or is it calculated as 34?

No problem.

It happens simultaneously. Picks are essentially “locked” in place until the bid is fully matched.


I really like this ked. There is just something about the way he plays that I like and would not be adverse to him getting a chance mid season if he continues to play well inthe ressies.

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How did 53 affect the bidding?

If Kako isn’t bid on by 13 or 14 and a player we like isn’t taken that’s a possibility for sure.

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@Aceman might have a better read on him than I do. He played champs and the two lead up games which are the only times I’ve seen him play. I’d been told in advance to look out for him, so I was quite disappointed in all honesty. The SA defensive unit which he was a part of were pretty awful although they also got horribly exposed by a midfield that only ran one way all tournament. I was expecting to see a versatile, third tall/agile rebounding defender, but he barely got involved in transition ball movement at all.

I wouldn’t write him off on that limited sample size, but from the little I’ve seen I couldn’t advocate drafting him either.


Cool thanks, yeah he sounded like more of a roughie to get drafted but did well for speed, agility & vertical jump at combine testing so wasn’t sure where he sat.

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I just had a thought.

What if we don’t draft KAKO, what if we have someone else in mind?

Wouldnt that be a surprise?!

@noobermensch If you combined this and last years draft how would you rate the top 10.

Assume it’s Reid at 1…

No it would be ridiculous considering we traded our pick 9.


It’d be cool you see an @noobermensch draft rankings table like other guru’s do, if he has the time. It might even help him in not having to answer the same questions 50x, particularly from new posters entering this thread for the first time this year (of which there will be plenty of in the next month).

Hi Noobermensch. I was wondering if you have seen my mates son Jack Ryan play? Calder Cannons tall defender. I think he has been asked to train with or join Essendons VFL team?

Last years top 10 was probably slightly superior to this one I’d say due to the mix of types and Harley being in there, better at the back end of the top 10 for me.

Yes Reid at 1 for sure.
Draper, Jagga, FOS and Levi I’d have in the same tier as McKercher and Walter.
Lalor, Smillie and Lombard similar to Duursma, Watson, Sanders, Read, Curtin, Caddy… I’d have all those guys ahead of the the back end of this year.


I’ve posted this around a few different places. These are my talent tier groupings for the first round(ish).

Tier 1 in any order:

Tier 1.5 in any order:

Tier 2 in any order:

Tier 3 in any order:


Hi Mate, I definitely have, enough to take notice but not enough to have a really strong opinion. There are others on this board that watch the Cannons specifically more closely than I do, I have to cast a broader net so to speak.

If he’s getting the opportunity to train on with Essendon VFL next season that sounds great for him. I did a commission this year for the father of a kid doing a similar train on with Carlton and he looks like he’s going to get an SSP chance this pre season, so it can work out really well if the kid is dedicated and puts in the work. Missing out at the national draft is definitely not the end of the journey these days.


I thought I would have some fun speculating who we may add to our list. I think our picks will be:

39 (pick 40)
40 (leftover points from 31)
43 (pick 46)
49 (pick 53)
50 (pick 54)
56 (pick 65)

After factoring in father sons and ngas.

Fair chance one of the talls will be available (Sims, Gerryn, Faull etc) by pick 39 I think, judging from clubs needs before us.

I would like to see something like:

Kayle Gerryn (pick 39) (ruck/forward)
Archer Day-Wicks (pick 40) (mid/forward with a bit of x-factor)
Jack Ough (pick 43) (BBM)
Oliver Warburton (pick 49) (half back)

Then we have:

Jayden Nguyen (cat b or late pick)
Kaine Baldwin (ssp)
Prior (DFA)

I would be pretty happy with that.


Yeah I’ve seen this one previously, was more thinking the traditional layout type, but this is close enough.

I know others do the specific numbering thing, but I dont think there’s any point to that for me given the way I like to think about prospects. I have the guys in those tier groupings for a reason… I rate them all at a similar enough talent level that numbering them would just be arbitrary.


Levi Ashcroft asked at training outside of himself who does he expect to go number 1.
Levi: Oh I dunno they all have plenty of weaknesses.