The Beer Thread

That’s ■■■■■■ news for Dainton. I honestly hope they get their shot sorted because they’ve made some cracking beers.

The Big Shed Hawkers thing is interesting because Black hops have been very openly talking about their desire to see small producers form bargaining groups to improve the ability to negotiate on pricing with various suppliers as well as share the costs of national distribution. I suspect this will become a trend.

I love rocky ridge. I don’t think I’ve been let down by a single beer I’ve had from them. I always buy some when I’m in WA. It’ll be interesting to see where they go from here because the thunder road site was a passion project and the owner was happy to spend all and any money on getting it open in his vision of it. But the beers and the way the company handled itself were never going to do them any favours. I could see a prolonged process of Rocky ridge dialing back the Jindong marketing and ending up based in Brunswick. Particularly if the shared distribution model takes off, because buying a brewery on the other side of the country is almost a bet against it.

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A few minutes to myself after getting dinner on to enjoy this as the thunder peels and the rain drips.


I just read that they’ve technically had to put Dainton on the market in order to fast track re-issuing the liquor license. And that they’re not expecting to sell, but if someone came along with an offer they might have to take it. Super confusing situation by the sounds of it.


Sort of….

What’s actually happened is a transfer of license, from Daicom Pty Ltd, to Kev Dainton, and in doing so the deed agreement that was reached through VA is now breached and Daicom is officially liquidated and up for sale.

So they’re buying the brewery off themselves in order to fast track the licence and begin trading again. Likely another investor or two involved, but most notably all the crowdfunded shareholders lose their share in Daicom.

I only know this level of detail as I’m one of the shareholders who’re losing their share. I’m not especially phased by that as I never anticipated a return on my very token investment, just did it for the perks, of which I’ve well and truly got full value out of and they’ve committed to honouring ongoing.


Yeah I was aware of that. And that makes a bit more sense.

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Guiness have a alcohol free Guinness at the pumps in some UK pubs. But it’s only 55pence, say a dollar, cheaper than the proper stuff. So much for alcohol tax :smile::smile:

I’ve had the regular version of this a few times. This version has stronger coffee. Doesn’t hold the head well at all, as beers go I don’t think this one works as well as I was expecting:



Went to the IGA Liquor near me yesterday to stock up. Carlton Draught slabs going for $62, a slab of Peroni Red $49. Insane, an imported beer is cheaper than a mass produced Carlton and United product!

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This is much better, very rich at 14.5% it packs a punch too.


Making the most of the Hatlifter Stout whilst the local brewery is still making it and in opetation. Currently 50 bucks a slab. I bought three. Barg.



