The Blitz Aliens Thread

If that were to happen, we would see a similar market organization as we have currently with De Beers controlling most of the worlds diamonds but artificially inflating prices by withholding supply.

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is there an asteroid made of nuggs?

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Is there life on this asteroid?

if not, needs to be moved to another thread.

I want to find more UFO spotting stories

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Is there Life on Mars??

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My apologies mrs benfti!

When people say is their life form on other planets, to me that means creatures, something that moves, thinks or acts on instinct. But I can see why some would feel bacteria etc counts as a life form.

Very cool idea for a thread by the way

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Have you been reading Jean-Paul Sartre again ? Stop it or you’ll go blind !

I believe in ghosts.

Hmm wrong thread

I’ve always thought that figments of my imagination would be more respectful

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There just has to be other intelligent life out there, the possibility of us being the only ones is just highly unlikely.

However, the sheer vastness of the Universe also means that I don’t think we’ll ever meet them.



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ok then,
Even though Von Daniken has been somewhat debunked for being a little loose with the truth, maybe his essential tenet is at least somewhat true. That being aliens have influenced us throughout the ages. It was touched on as the core plot element in " The Sentinal", ( the short story 2001 is based on).
If you were a dark ages citizen, or from Sumeria, a Mayan, etc, and aliens contacted you, how would you react? How could you explain these wonders through the prism of your existance? It would not be too much of a leap to theorize they called these visitors “gods” due to their supposed superhuman/outwordly powers. Things we take for granted now- smartphones, jets, cars, high velocity weapons- would blow the mind of someone from the mid 1800’s: let alone 2-4000 years ago.
We need to put things in context to understand them.
A recent example- there is a large ground swell of people in the US that cannot understand the relatively strightforward concept of how the mail in votes swung the election post polling day. They just can’t get their heads around it. So they grab on to a solution that fits their understanding. It must have been fraud. They either don’t want to , or cannot, process the actual reasons.So a story is created to explain the un-explainable.
I know it isn’t a concept that will enarmour me to those of a higher faith out there, but it does have as much plausibility as the beliefs behind some our organised religions.


Oh, and yes I’ve been to area 51, and if it is all so innocent, why did some dudes in a blacked-out suburban take a bead on us from behind the tinted glass for lobbing up to one of the gates…

Yeah, I think they are out there.

I also think they want nothing to do with us. Don’t really blame them.


Maybe we are the family down the road everyone avoids

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We might be the “fark carlton” of the universe

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They’ve been here since the 80’s



Well I don’t know about the rest of you, but after being abducted and probed, I couldn’t sit down for a week.

Great thread.

I found the full read of this rather lengthy document of benefit. The reasoning towards the end of the article postulating on varied reasons as to why alien life has not been discovered has merit.

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It’s an awesome rabbit home to go down, the Fermi paradox. There are everything fro. full scholarly papers written on it, whacked out YouTube vids, so much fun.