The Dog Thread


Princess CocošŸ˜†


Great smile and nice teeth. Do you use a tooth brush on them? No, I am not being funny, I clean my little Rat Terrier with a tooth brush. Is there a better way?

My Ziggy loves shredding toys - his teeth are immaculate.

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Bones and antlers seem to do it for them thankfully.

Eddie, our Labrador boy, can render down a cow shin in quick time.

Has immaculate teeth.

Hi all,

Iā€™m not sure if this is the most appropriate thread but it is dog related.

Its a long story so here goes:

  1. we have an 11 year old lab
  2. over the last 11 years, we have received anonymous letters from a neighbour accusing our dog of barking for ā€˜hours non stopā€™
  3. our property has been vandalised
  4. some of the letters have been acceptable in nature, some have been threatening
  5. many years ago they threw chocolate in front of our gate (where our dog couldnā€™t reach) along with a threatening letter
  6. I have CCTV cameras so I can see mostly what our dog is up to during the day
  7. I WFH 2 days per week and he doesnā€™t bark if I am home
  8. I have no idea who this neighbour is
  9. Other neighbours in the past have had fences and cars spray painted, acid thrown on their vehicles and various letters as well
  10. I have printed a sign on my front fence calling out their lies and urging this person to call me (literally have my number on the sign)
  11. Last Monday 26 Feb, our dog barked four times between 9:10am - 4:23pm - a grand total of 6 minutes of barking (I checked my cameras)
  12. Sometime overnight of Monday 26 Feb - Tuesday 27, several large chocolate bars were thrown over the gate in an attempt to poison our lab
  13. This person operates at night in darkness so I cannot identify them

If anyone has any advice or suggestions Iā€™d be open to them. This is a serious topic, so please avoid silly suggestions or making a joke of this.

There are several questions Iā€™d be happy to answer, but some that I might not feel comfortable answering via this thread.


Sounds like you need to set up a video camera to catch them in the act.

Call the police.

Itā€™s harassment and itā€™s threatening.
Youā€™ve made numerous attempts to contact them.

Make the point that any chocolate thrown in the yard may be laced with something and is a very high risk to neighbourhood children as well as pets.


Hand the chocolate bars over to the police as evidence, they can be examined for any poison if necessary.

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Really feel for you. Do as Darli said- and document everything- keep all evidence.
Maybe another battery operated security camera strategically placed. (Orion from Bunnings have pretty good night vision - can connect to app and not too expensive & add sd card to record movement ).
Good luckā€¦.(another job for Mr Inbetween - if youā€™ve seen the series. )


What cowardly farkin shitheads.
Catch them on camera.
My word, wouldnā€™t I farkin love to identify them if I where you. Theyā€™d have a bit more than barking to worry about.
Visit your local police station and go through the situation with them.


Agree. By all means report it to the police. You might not be the only target in the area.

Imagine trying to kill a dog for barking. There are some very disturbed people lurking amongst us.


thanks for your suggestions everyone - much to consider there

Has to be local to you, so post it in your local Facebook pages and let the word spread. Someone will know who it is and rat on them.

Everyone with a dog will be concerned by actions like this.



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Yes, the local FB page is great for stuff like this. We had someone in our neighbourhood put spikes on their hedges along the nature strip (public land) so dogs couldnā€™t urinate on them and someone posted about how dangerous they were. They were gone two days later.


Have done and so has another neighbour nearby.

This person has been harassing people for 15 years now. When I moved in 12 years ago I traced this behaviour back further with other neighbours.

One guy had acid thrown on his car and ended up leaving the suburb.

No one knows who it is