The Dog Thread

One neighbour left the area after having acid thrown on their car.

One neighbour received letters many years ago and they didn’t even have a dog.

Over the last 11 years we have been the main target.

Although in Feb 2023 a neighbour nearby had their fence painted with the word ‘dog’, their car spray painted and a letter saying their dog was always barking.

Mid that year, they went to Europe for 6 weeks, and had their dogs cared for at another house. They got letters during that time saying their dog had kept this neighbour awake with barking from 2am-5am

This is a big clue. Some of you may know what I mean.

This particular neighbour has two dogs.

So I’m not sure what you mean

The derogative ‘dog’ is used by a certain type of person.

I think in this case it’s literal

I do feel very sorry for you.
Have the police been involved?

Can you setup a camera? Catch the bastard !!

Maybe it’s a woman… Or a cat lover ?


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I have CCTV, but they target us at night and in the latest incident I think they used my neighbours driveway (beside ours) to throw the choc.

My neighbours are renovating, not living at the house and don’t have cameras

Well it’s someone who has been in the vicinity for over 15 years.

I’ve seen some neighbours come and go via rentals and property sales so I know it’s not them.

Sounds like it someone who is very local and knows that the block next door is empty. It might be worth investing in an extra camera trained on the neighbours house. The persons involved sound disturbed and dangerous, you should notify the police.


before I had cameras, this all started with them putting letters in my letterbox.

once I got the cameras installed, they started throwing the letters into my front yard (conveniently in a zip lock bag with a rock for weight).

They literally did this by entering both neighbours directly beside me and throwing them from there to remain out of view from my cameras.

Neither of my neighbours have cameras so they know they can get away with it.

disturbed is one of many ways to describe them

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Time for a stakeout.

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Get a couple of camo trail cameras and mount them in your neighbours house or ask the neighbour across the street to install a camera looking at your house.

Can you see people walking down the street past your house with your cameras? What about your neighbours that you can talk to? A friend sometimes has the police ask her for footage from her cameras if something happens in her street, not that she has the incident on film but just to put the perps into the location at the time. You might have a neighbour that has someone walking past their camera on the way and the way back within a few minutes on the night that you had a visit.

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a few have suggested this - could get ugly

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I have spent thousands of dollars on a variety of things as s result of this harassment. New gates, CCTV, dog toys etc etc.

I have spent countless hours on letter drops, signs, chats with random neighbours - this impacts on my life and the life of my family.

I dont really want to spend any more money because of this person - but do you have a link for a camo camera?

I don’t have any of these but have seen images from some cameras including a bushfire that burnt part of a friend’s block but got ours. Most are designed for wildlife so the night time images are good. I would probably go into a shop and ask someone who has knowledge of them and get one that way. Another thought is to go and see your local council and talk to the Local Laws Officers. Most would have some cameras for catching people dumping rubbish etc and you may be able to hire one for a couple of weeks.

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I do live in suburban Melbourne, there’s a few places this could be hidden, but during the day it might be discovered and deter this person.

IF I end up spending on another camera, I need it to be hidden from their view.