The Dog Thread

I think my lab sheds twice a day. I vacuum up the porch where he sleeps and sometimes cut out the middle man and vacuum him directly. He will end up biting through the hose though as he enjoys fighting with it.


It’s seasonal, winter & summer, twice a year for a two- to three-week stretch. When my two are moulting you can pull the hair out of their coats in big, thick handfuls - enough hair to knit a jumper with.


True enough Perce.
Labs are hair machines alright. Our Sasha has just been contributing to the early spring collection up here in a big way.

P.S. Just broke the news to her Archie is out with a hammy … she’s not pleased.


Our boy sheds twice/yr:

January to June
July to December


Beautiful-looking Lab. And very, very healthy, judging by the sheen from her coat. In her prime, I guess. Three years old ? (That carpet she’s lying on is the perfect colour for showing her shed hair, too.)


Ziggy got attacked at the oval today. He trotted up to a couple of dogs and stood about 50’ away, deciding whether to go right up or not., The two dogs ran at him - a young GSP and an older cattle dog cross - called ‘Bear’, apparently. Ziggy turned and started to run back to me, but realising that he wasn’t going to outrun them,. turned back again. The cattle dog launched at Ziggy, and the scuffle started, with the much bigger dog overpowering Ziggy to the ground. He was trying to get a good grip on Ziggy as I sprinted up, but I got a couple of good kicks to his head with my steelcaps, slightly putting him off. I managed to grab the cattle dog by the collar and hold him, upright while his owner arrived. We had a brief ‘discussion’. Ziggy was unhurt, and actually just wanted to continue fetching the ball.


So glad Ziggy is OK.

Dog parks can be very dangerous. Even the best behaved dog can react to an abnormal situation.

Basically it’s all about responsibility. If there’s a chance your dog may not play well with others keep it on a lead. If your dog doesn’t have instant recall… keep it on a lead.

Once again, glad your lovely boy is OK.


This wasn’t at a dog park - I never take Ziggy to them - too many ball-stealers, and Ziggy adores fetching.


Also very glad to hear Ziggy is ok both physically and mentally. I hope the other dog’s owner was suitably apologetic and takes steps to ensure there is not a repeat incident. It is truly horrible and frightening to witness dog fighting.


Glad Ziggy is ok, when you say cattle dog do you mean Kelpie or blue heeler type. Of all the dogs I’ve had over 40 years two have been attacked, both times cranky old blue heelers.


Blue, maybe cross. A little heftier than your average bluey… maybe 35/40 kg.

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Lovely! Is he new?

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Good looking fellow!

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Nah, Tony’s 9 this year, he’s just got puppy like qualities



Mentioned her on here a few times, Sally, one of our Tasmanian Smithfields. Bit of a rescue dog whose original owner is in care with dementia and his son was going to put her down if no one stepped up. We did. Backwards and forwards to the vet on numerous occasions in the 5 years that we had her even having an ear amputated on one trip. She’s been acting strange for a few weeks, looking dead at times but then bouncing around like a pup. Went in late this afternoon for her regular check. Liver cancer. Brought her home and have just finished burying her. She’s crossed the rainbow bridge and I’ll have a single malt with her when the grandkids go to bed.


You are a good soul to give your rescue dog happy years of life.


Thanks BA. Much appreciated.

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Lovely story. It’s so heartwarming when doggos get a second chance.

Hugs to you and your family, I’ll raise a glass for her tonight as well.