The Great Blitz Album Survey…Favourite Albums Across The Years...Part 2…The 70s

Nice, I’m going to cut and past this, change a handful and I’m good to go.


I think the 60s maybe the toughest round. Feom my perspective, “The Album” as opposed to just a collection of singles didnt really develop fully until halfway through the decade.

Will certainly be interesting to see whats offered up early in the piece.

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I’m struggling with the early 60s…and by early I mean 1960-64


Yeah, my collection jumps from a few 50s jazz vocalists to mid-60s Beatles. And even from there many bands I like are just via best of compilations.

I think I need a research cool off period first, 80s or 00s.


Your wish will be granted :slight_smile:


Im going to try my hardest to participate in the 80s round. Im going to research to see what I find. But I do fear my contribution will be sparse. But my effort small be hearty…

Early 60’s is peak Jazz, all of Davis, Coltrane, Ornettte Coleman, Stan Getz were pumping out classics.


That’s cool man…but I’m more interested in your take on the 2010s :wink:


Im lucky that I have a lot of great (well, they are to me) blues records from the early 60s. Absolute crackers from Lightning Hopkins, John Lee Hooker etc. Just gotta go through them all and sort out which make the cut.

But yeah, the second half of the decade where the gold is. Ive said it a few times, but for me personally, 65 to 75 is the greatest most fertile period across ALL genres. From a creative perspective and production wise. Its all so analogie (?) and cool.


Great production too

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Yeah, I just don’t know that stuff and what’s good unless someone tells me it’s good.

Thats a very cool list sir.

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Thanks mate…I appreciate the feedback.

Could I interest you in adding your choices to the thread?

Fool in the rain, bonzos timeless variation of the purdie shuffle.
I will never tire of that song.


I adore Led Zep, but please do not stoke these embers mr bonzo



Warning heeded

Just ignore @Doggatron’s warning…him and I have ongoing “discussion” about the relative merits of In Through The Out Door versus Coda. :grin:

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I struggle when trying to pull all those life changing songs and albums into top 3’s to be honest. As I’m sure most of us do.

I am really enjoying reading everyones lists, and they have sent me down musical spotify and you tube rabbit holes in the process.
Great stuff!


Well, Coda was a post huumos money grab of out takes and b sides.
Great as it is, I dont think it compares to the last real album

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Well said Sir :clap: :clap: :clap:

Take that @Doggatron:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: