The Infrastructure Thread

The bit that gets me is why new stations need to be great big ■■■■■■ behemoths of things.

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Future proofing??

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Curious to know, how do you know how much that project has cost. What is the final amount?

I don’t.

l know it costs a Bill per K to tunnel, … and I know the skyrail was way less than that per K.

This is where the argument gets messy. My impression pre-election was that level crossings would be removed by going under, where they needed too. Much like all the other projects in the near by suburbs. We never expected there to be a tunnel from Caulfield to Oakleigh.

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So if it costs a billion per k to tunnel wouldn’t that leave this rail project at 80 billion not 50 billion?

No one knows because Labour doesn’t tell anyone. Do you notice when Daniel Andrews is quissed on the cost of the project he always answers by talking about the “Level Removal Project” as a hole. I believe this project has cost way more than what he’s letting on.

The Ring thing?

IIRC, the report said some would be u/ground, … not all.

But an argument could be also made, that it costs a Bill a K now, … but it could possibly be double that by the time it begins.

Andrews yesterday in response to a question at a presser said it’s all going to be underground.

I think though in reality nobody has any idea, because it’s just a thought bubble at this stage.

I absolutely love the concept though, and assuming the numbers stack up they have to build it.


this is the exact reason that projects should be almost taken from government’s hands and run by a third party, whether that’s public, private whatever. there is never transparency on the final costs, timeline etc etc. this is public money, we should know exactly how much it cost and how it relates back to the business case. same goes for nbn. it may also take some of the partisanship out of the infrastructure debate and get things moving more.

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Didn’t Andrews say a few years ago that he was setting up an independent infrastructure agency so the politics would be taken out of infrastructure?

How’s that one going?

Can’t say I have, but I’ll take note,… and ask some questions through some channels. But it wouldn’t surprise if a Project of this scale blew out a bit, … they always do, don’t they?

I know it got done in really good time, so I can’t imagine it would be as bad as some.

While I’m typing, … I’m having a vague memory of it being said that it has been brought in UNDER the time allotted, … aaaaand, … “Under Budget?” :thinking:

Was that a thing? (Don’t quote me, … may have been something else …)

This leads to things not getting built

-edit- because Joe Public won’t understand anything beyond the price tag and votes accordingly. “WHY IS MY MONEY BEING SPENT ON [X] AND NOT [Y]”

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infrastructure victoria.

raf epstein brought this up on ABC radio last night, he claims there is not one reference to this project in any of there reports. :man_shrugging:

One other thing that bothers me about the proposal is that it’s going to take 30 years to build.

In reality, I would have thought, although it’s enormous, it could actually be built in a fraction of that time.

Someone who I know who works in this area has told me that often governments stretch out the deliverable dates of certain massive projects to avoid going into deficit during that time.

Which is of course ridiculous. They should build the project but get it done as soon as possible, no matter the implications on the budget. If it’s not built till 2050 it will almost be redundant by the time it’s completed.


or more realistic costings being provided in the first place? accountability simon.

I’ll be interested what you find out. Some third hand info that I’ve got from people who should know is that it’s gone well and truely over.

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The rail crossing thing has definitely been used to pork barrel.

New crossings added in key seats.

Seat holders being able to add scope on. They often come with added benefits a parke here, more car parking there.

The budgets have been a loose guide.

We got a level crossing in our seat (marginal). It was like the third one they built. Tiny road. Couldn’t believe they prioritised it, obviously for political reasons

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Yes, you and I understand that PRE because we are smart people.

I have a severe distrust of the voting public and their ability to understand things beyond their own desires/urges though.