The Low-Carb Craze

bevause whilst I still eat what I like on the weekend, I have decided to be strict through the week. I’ve been easily irritable all week

I put my irritability down to the lack of training reports during Nacker’s absence.
But I’m also dieting during the week - which probably isn’t helping matters.

Yeah i fast and eat from 12 to 8 nearly everyday.

Really low carb and good mix of macros

Down from 90 to 80. I think regardless of diet, the key is limiting the grog and refined sugar.

We are fairly strict on the shopping cart and will have a bit of a blowout on weekends (grab a pizza, have some ice cream etc)

I have a sweet tooth, but these days I will have some dark chocolate, chia pod with some blueberries or some natural peanut butter. I use so smash a bag of skittles years ago.

I have nearly completely cut the grog to a couple of drinks a month. Could do sober challenge with wife (she drinks more than me).

We live in Sydney and when we visit family in Melbourne always have a blow out. Dinners and sweet biscuits and cakes with in laws etc, really is all about your environment. If the food is there I will eat it.

For those wanting to do this with your partner. Have a look at centr app, by Chris hemsworth. Really good workouts and meal plan, you can share the log in, select a recipe and add to shopping cart and syncs with your phone.

We have always struggled with cooking ideas mid week. This for us has been a game changer.

I’m amazed anyone still drinks soft drink.


Yeah pouring rum and coke into your body is a version of poison*

*delicious though

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Your body’s wants more little fat lamb!

Eat everything you like, in moderation. Unless of course you’re allergic. YOLO.

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That looks so good. What is it?

They’re blowing up on YouTube the last 12 months.
The Yanks call them Chaffles (cheese waffles).

Minimally, all you need…
A couple of eggs & a handful of grated cheese.

In the ones pictured above, I also put in a teaspoon of Psyllium Husk and a tablespoon of nutritional yeast to make it more toast like in texture, and a bit of Olive Oil.

It’s absolutely delicious with tomato, or sautéed mushrooms or diced Avocado.

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This is more like a bread substitute in Waffle form.

A mix of Almond flour, Hemp Flour, Flaxmeal, Coconut flour, baking powder, 1 egg, and a tablespoon of coconut oil.
Home-made mixed berrie jam on top…

A dollop of Double Cream on top :ok_hand:


just ate 30 bucks of red rooster

try again next week lel


Whipped up some of those chaffles this morning for brekky. 1 egg and 1/2 cup grated mozzarella then in the waffle iron for 3-4 mins. Served em up with some bacon and a poached egg and homemade bbq sauce.

Not behd. Not behd at all.

I’ll try em with some almond flour or psyllium husk next time, see how they go.

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Sugar is by far a bigger issue.


Good mate.
Just remember, once you start adding flour substitutes, you may need some baking powder (1/4 teaspoon or less) to make it airier.
Just experiment a bit.

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Are you too a useless middle aged male that lives on his own and occasionally runs out of fresh milk ?
Well fear not people.
Remember that bag of powdered milk you bought at the beginning of this whole sh*tshow ?
Drag it out from the back of the pantry…we’re making delicious crunchy hot chocolate.

2 main ingredients…
Obviously, use fresh milk if you have it :smiley:

You know that cheap coffee grinder you no longer use because you realised you need to spend 5 times as much to achieve a decent coffee grind, well plonk that little guy back on your counter top.
It will grind our cacao nibs perfectly.
Only pulse a few times (we want some bigger pieces in there) !

Place grinded cacao nibs and milk in small pot and heat till almost boiling.
Add your choice of sweetener.
I use a combo of brown erythritol and liquid monk fruit, but coconut sugar would work well.
Optional…few drops of Vanilla Extract.

Use a small stick blender near the end of the heating process to create some foam…

Pour the contents into your most pretentious glass and enjoy :blush:

For extra decadence and low carb douche-baggery, add in some NZ Grass Fed butter !


I love it how he says this…

… and then feels the need for …

I mean, seriously - I’m SURE you’ve got enough in there already! :stuck_out_tongue:


Choc-a-block with douchebaggery, you might say.

Thank you…I try :+1: