The Low-Carb Craze

I dont bother counting calories, as I find with low carb you feel fuller for longer. You dont get the energy “spikes” as you do from a high sugar / carb diet and then experience the sugar low. With a lot of people, what happens when you experience a sugar low…? well, you grab some more high carb food and the cycle continues.
Eating healthy fats (and of course with lots of greens, berries, nuts and some fruits) means you eat less and with good nutrition.
Your energy levels remain high even when performing intermittent fasting.
As your body is fuelling itself with stored fats I find I don’t feel hungry and I’m more active.
This may not be true for others, but it works for me.

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I’m 6’7" and currently in the mid 130 kg range. I’ve always been a big guy, and I’m never going to be a skinny person. Keeping the weight off has always been a struggle for me, but playing sport all my life meant that I was usually able to do so.

When I stopped playing footy a few years ago my weight blew out. I still ate what I wanted when I wanted, which was exacerbated by being a shiftworker and not playing anywhere near as much sport as I had. I peaked at 156 kgs and felt like ■■■■. When I was diagnosed with lumbar stenosis I was told that losing weight would help manage the condition. I also realised that I was getting older and it was only going to get harder to lose the weight and maintain some kind of healthy lifestyle. It was time to get serious.

My wife and I had planned a trip to the US in 2017 and my goal was to get back under 130 kgs as there were a few activities I wanted to do on the trip that I was too heavy for. A work colleague put me on to keto combined with intermittent fasting. He’d had great results and what he told me about it seemed intriguing, so I gave it a go. I’ve always loved bread, pasta etc and thought I’d struggle but I was super motivated and actually found it quite easy. Went super-strict with my diet (< 30g carbs/day), tweaked my training, shifting to less/lighter weight resistance training and more cardio, and the weight fell off.

I dropped close to 30 kgs and got down to 127-8 kgs in approximately 6 months. Felt fantastic, had much more energy and so many people commented on how much weight I’d lost.

This was in 2017. Since then, my weight had crept back up but has consistently sat around the mid 130s. I’m nowhere near as strict as I was, but if I find my weight creeping up too much I get back into my low carb diet to stop the rot, and I always drop the weight again fairly quickly.

I believe in the keto/low carb diet cos it works for me. I understand that it’s not for everybody. I also believe that having the right motivation is the biggest key to weight loss - no diet/eating/excercise plan will work unless you are motivated enough to do the right thing.


A lengthy article explaining how calories were first calculated but why that method is inaccurate and not relevant today, and how calorie counting is contributing to today’s obesity epidemic - worth the read if you have the time:

tl;dr Not saying, read the friggin’ thing. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah na

Some ppl can literally eat cake all day and not put on weight.

It’s way more complicated and the biggest reason is because everyone is different. Sure if you knew in detail how your internal system works and how it responds to certain food types then sure, it’s simple. . But some ppl have fast / efficient metabolisms while others not so much. Your metabolism is responsible for 50-80% of your daily energy use, which is a massive range… .Throw in the fact your can speed up your metabolism or slow it down depending on a wide range of factors, then yeah, it starts to get complicated.

Literally … so 24 hours a day non stop. That’s a lot of cake - and nothing else. Yep they’d put on weight, and be hospitalized within a year.

Why can’t I resist a chicken schnitzel in a white bread roll?
It’s not the sugar.


Add in coleslaw (not dripping with sauce), and that is my favourite sandwich of all time !

Edit…okay, since I’m now visualising it.
2 large slices of light rye
1 large thin and crispy chicken schnitzel
Coleslaw (not over dressed…I don’t want the bread soggy)
2 slices of Swiss cheese

…■■■. :drooling_face:

Double Edit…O. M. G is censored ??

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You monster. Now this is all i can think about.

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I love to eat meat, sh*t in general and drink rum and beer. I’ll probably die fat. but oh well

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Carnivore aye ?
Pull up a chair.
You’ll fit right in :+1:

you’ve probably seen some of my work in the cooking thread, it’s fair to say I don’t mind the odd burger, brisket and ribs haha

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Yes I have champ.
You make some great looking dishes !

Yeah I’ve put on some weight since retiring from sport and I know my diet is poor but I ain’t changing anything. I pretty much eat what I want and every meal contains meat but I have cut back dramatically on soft drink which has made me feel a stack better. I have poor eating patterns and times which don’t help aswell as my coffee addiction :rofl:

love to cook. especially for other people. I reckon one of the most satisfying feels is when you see enjoyment on people’s faces from something you’ve cooked


I’m pretty sure they’ve done studies which show that the right balance of carbs and fats in a meal triggers the addictive part of a lot of people’s brains.

It’s why a lot of people can’t resist hot chips - same combination.

Where are the recipes??


It’s just about what works for you.

Refined sugars are the biggest issue. Cut those and you are almost there.

I eat everything besides refined sugars and fast for 16 hours (eat between 12non-8pm). That works really well for me.

I’m not super skinny but It manages my weight perfectly and I never have to even think about a diet. It’s just become natural.

I’m currently eating a burrito for lunch and I have Spag Bol prepped for the family when I get home.
Works for me and it’s easy.

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do dramatic changes in your diet seriously effect your moods?

It can. Yep.

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Cutting out soft drink definitely had an effect on my mood for about 2 weeks aswell as the headaches but once that passed I felt a stack better