The mental health thread

having good naming conventions saves a shitload of time and money :slight_smile:


Yep. The best thing a mate ever said to me was that counselling is great for little things too. I think people are starting to understand that now.

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or had to write code that automatically processes files when the files have names like

todayā€™s income.txt
todayā€™s income[1].txt
todayā€™s income (actual).txt
Copy of todayā€™s income.txt
income for 4 Aug.xslx
income for August 4th 2020 - draft.csv
income (USE THIS FILE KAREN).pdf


wheres the instructions for xxx?

have you tried the ā€˜otherā€™ folder?

I strive, mostly in vain, to get people to use sensible naming conventions for thread titles in this place.

After many years I have very almost trained all of those in the VFL sub-forum to do it rightā€¦ but there is a better class of posters in there than the rabble out here.


When I first got referred to speak to a psychologist by my GP I thought he was the crazy one. How the ā– ā– ā– ā–  is talking to someone ever going to make me feel better. And things like if I go to a psychologist itā€™s admitting that Iā€™ve got issues but I donā€™t have issues Iā€™m perfectly fine.

But then I eventually went and despite not taking it seriously for the first couple of sessions it actually did me a world of good. One session a month for 18 months and it got to the point where I barely recognised myself (in a good way). It helped being really open with my friends and family about it too. Which then resulted in 4 or 5 people who actually took themselves off to a psych themselves afterwards.


Great you guys have taken up the opportunity to get the support you need.

I learnt the other day that, on average, Australians take up to 10 years to get that help. (Fark thinking back, it might actually be 20 years now that I think)

Either way, take the opportunity to get the help you might not know you need. But donā€™t leave it 10-20 years, start today.


Reposting this.

I work with a system that 150 odd users use to track 2000+ customers, and about 500,000 assets, and around 30,000+ parts.
You couldnā€™t be more wrong.

My depression is starting to kick in bad. My wife has OCD which was under control and now is starting to fire up again with cleaning due to not being able to go out and socialise with friends. Stupid I know, but it ends up me being the one having to supervise my kids all day from 8am - 5pm on weekends on top of working weekdays looking after other peopleā€™s kids.

I find myself getting grumpy and angry over not being able to just ā€˜switch offā€™ and relax, go to a mateā€™s joint or just chill now. My wife finds cleaning calm and as such she goes through each room cleaning and chucking bags of what she wants to throw out into the garage which now just fills up meaning I have to find a way to dispose of.


This I found is an incredible story on Mental Health.

I urge you to share it with all your family and friends.

Sure its another ā€˜ismā€™, but its one many keeo hidden and one of the toughest to address. Because if you havenā€™t got your health, what do you have?


Very good article, thanks for sharing. Can I recommend we all take 5 minutes and read it.


I am familiar to something along these lines.

If I keep a routine Iā€™m ok. Iā€™ve got a coffee van I visit every morning without fail and I talk utter bollocks with the guy that runs it and semi flirt with his assistant whoā€™s half my age.

We railed about pregnancy tests and prostate exams this morning.

Pathetic as that sounds, thatā€™s my reset and things ainā€™t so bad.

Also, put in a fluorescent light in your bedroom and stare at it for 15 mins every morning. I forget sometimes but itā€™s effective.

Chin up bruv.


Lot of c:\Users\BSD\Documents\New Folder\New Folder\New Folder (2)\Copy of New Folder (2)\New Folder energy in this post.



had a mate who recently suicided, he had moved away over ten years ago with his wife spent time in WA and then QLD, they ended up splitting up a couple of years ago and she moved on quickly, he took it pretty bad. He was always a happy go lucky guy, so positive. type of person who would be the life of the party.

He was well liked among my friend circle as him and his partner had links with lots of my friends.
one of his first girlfriends lived in my share house. And a colleague of mine was best mates with his brother.

speak up stay chatty


Lately I feel like Iā€™m losing control. Of my mind, my body, my soul.

I think of where I was 12 months ago and where I am now, and Iā€™ve given up almost everything. At the same time, my body seems to be in a state of revolt. I donā€™t know if that is aging or stress or cabin fever or homesicknessā€¦ my wifeā€™s family is in a state of grief due to the death of my mother-in-law last month, so there is a real sense of malaise everywhere around us.

I didnā€™t have much of a job, but I had a great house, a great band, was close to my family, had a regular golf game, my kids went to an awesome school and had friends.

I gave up most of those things because my wife needed to be with her motherā€¦ and I know it was absolutely the right decision to make. Iā€™d expect the same from her and I know that in a few years when my parents start to decline (they are about 10 years younger) that I may need such courtesy.

I also felt that we needed to escape the Hellscape that is the country of my birth, and of my two childrenā€¦ but Iā€™m so over the politics, the violence, and the archaic, barbaric health care system.

Who knew we were gonna end up in the situation we are in now? A lot of the stuff I need to keep me happy isnā€™t available to me.

And thereā€™s the health issues. Things I thought only older people got, like gout and kidney stones. I had an ultrasound on my legs today because both of them puffed up like balloons and I thought I might have had a DVT. I have terrible acne that I get on my inner thighs and around my waistline. Iā€™m on anti-depressants and blood pressure meds. Theyā€™re making me pee like a racehorse and Iā€™m waking up with leg cramps in the middle of the night. My sleep apnea is off-the-charts bad. I wasnā€™t able to get to sleep until about 4:30 in the morning and then I couldnā€™t get up until 12 or almost 1, and that was causing a hell of a lot of tension in our home. Iā€™m now trialling an APAP and I think it is working. But Iā€™m a bit of a mess. I hope that years of chronically terrible sleep can be reversed and that all of the awful things that come with it begin to improve.

I push forward and I wait. I donā€™t know how long or what for, but I wait because I donā€™t really have any other choice. My family is better off with me than they are without me. I think a lot of this is temporary, but I just need it to be farking done.

Iā€™m not really sure who needs to read this or why Iā€™m posting it here, but I feel better for having done so.


good post

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Keep posting. Anything.

Whatā€™s happening at your joint today?

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