The mental health thread

Yes it works. I am on it for back related spinal injuries but it is also very good for depression and anxiety. I had been unable to get into REM sleep. I hadn’t slept properly for months and was quite ratty which added to anxiety.

From the third night on MC, I slept like a baby and have ever since. Added to anxiety was the lack of REM sleep. I have been on MC, the legal stuff for over six months now. I have had good results. I tried the illegal stuff first and even though it was much cheaper but not being able to measure the dose created problems and also the problems with supply pushed me to the legal MC.

I have been told eventually MC will go onto the PBS but no one knows when? It will also eventually be sold legally over the counter in Chemists I think that will probably happen sooner than it being on the PBS.

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My Oldest Son returned from Afghanistan with some severe problems and has struggled with drugs, alcohol and his mental heath. He lost his driving licence for a number of DUI and other offences, and lost his licence for 5 years as a consequence. He has tried hard with treatments and Veterans Affairs have been much improved and over the past 4 or 5 years has offered good support. He is on a pension and rarely sees his Wife and two kids. He is currently drug clean and does not drink at all.

His licence suspension is over and we were all happy for him as he can get some freedoms back and do many of the things he gets joy from. We went to VicRoads to see about it to find he has to do a Drink Driving Behavious course that costs $430, and he has to have an ignition interlock for 4 years on his car at a cost of about $250 per month.

Now I am not excusing drink driving and the dire consequences of that but he has served his time, paid the fine, got his life together and now he has to try and find the money each month from a pension. I understand the need, but I was shocked at the cost of it all, especially the ignition interlock.

If anyone has been through something like this and has any advice to share, it would be appreciated.

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$3,000 a year is insane. I’m with you, i understand the need for it but surely there must be some concessions for people on a pension?

edit - This might indictate there’s some (small) concessions:

Thanks for the info. Now that it’s been approved for over the counter sales the estimated time frame is 6-12 months until it hits stores. Products are being rushed through the approval stage because there’s already plenty of research to look at. I was considering getting some black market stuff sooner but i think if i want to see how effective it can really be then getting the dosage right is pretty important.

By MC, medicinal cannabis?

Care to share how you were able to get it prescribed and any consequences eg impact on private health care, etc etc

Firstly you will need to have a Doctor on board to get MC. My Doctor at first wasn’t on board with MC. Had heard plenty of information about how it failed to work and clients had diced it and gone back onto Opiates. I am wanting to get off Opiates and have gone from 8 caps a day down to two. I doubt I could have done it so easily without MC. I will be off Opiates within the next few months. You would to get your medical paperwork filled out by your Doctor and the paperwork is sent to Canberra for approval. Once you get approval, your MC MD sends the scripts directly to your Chemist/Pharmacy, you pay for supply in advance and our Chemist either delivers it to you or you have to go and collect.

You can get a list of Medico’s who are available to prescribe MC, if your Doctor won’t.
Previously, I was approved for a trial. I got well, too well. I failed getting onto the trial.
This stopped me getting onto MC for over a year. I think some things have changed now and its supply is easier to obtain than it was.

My MC Doctor is not my ordinary MD, has told me, MC will be completely out of your system after 60 hours off it. At this point in time, there is not a separate tongue scrape test for MC by the boys in blue yet. If I were to be pulled up driving and had to have a tongue scrape, if I test positive I will be fined. Personally, I think that is just flat out ridiculous but that’s the way it is atm. I know people who are ripped of their faces on other prescribed meds and illegal drugs who are still driving and would not pass a test. Change will come eventually and hopefully it will also be cheaper to buy MC. My Chemist thinks this will happen in time just don’t hold your breath waiting for it to happen.

My life is much better on Medical Canabas. I have a better quality of life. I am not quite completely pain free but in a better space and place than I have been for years. My sleeping patterns have changed completely. My pain levels have decreased. I am almost living a normal life. There are still some things I can’t do and some things I will never do again but; my quality of life is so much better. MC is more expensive than being on prescription drugs which is one of the reasons some people stay on them. There has also been a supply problem with MC. Australia were selling a lot of their MC overseas which is one of the reasons availability here was difficult.

I hope this information has been helpful.


The thing about the black market MC is, you have no way of measuring the dose accurately. Yes it is cheaper but the problem is the dosage but it is cheaper to purchase.

I tried the illegal stuff first. I was absolutely ripped off my head and I didn’t have to worry about driving, I couldn’t even walk which is one of the main reasons I stopped taking it. It was purely because there was no way to get the dose right for me.


Fair chance it had a good whack of THC in it too probably.

Almost innocuous in its delivery, the customer’s question stopped Claire O’Reilly in her tracks.
“How many of these do I need to kill myself?” the woman asked from across the counter.

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Anyone else have a thing for lady pharmacists?

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Yes, a prescription.
I have them for male Pharmacists also.


Not what I was thinking.

Just medical professionals in general.

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If anyone sees the young Dr at RMH with the 11/10 big hair you would definitely have a thing for medical professionals, even if you didn’t before.
Legit think she’d turn Ian Thorpe.

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Pics or it didn’t happen

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Anyone else here doing the Push-Up Challenge?

In short, I’m in a 2-man team completing 3,318 push-ups in 25 days to raise awareness and funds for mental health.

Now a bit of the somewhat longer story… I also did this last year during Brisbane’s Covid lockdown and was tracking well. Unfortunately, 2 days before the end, as a Type 1 diabetic, I had a ‘hypo’ (low blood sugar) in my sleep, along with a seizure that - very unusually - resulted in 3 fractured vertebrae (6, 7 and 9). That being a little over a year ago, I’m mostly recovered, but not completely (still have some nerve sensitivity and minor residual pain). In the midst of that, my relationship broke down, which I’ve posted about previously in this thread. Still working through that, but we’re getting there and only about a month now until I can finally move house. It’s been immensely frustrating and depressing. Exercise has been really important in both keeping me sane and helping me recover from the injury. Push-ups are especially good for releasing pent-up frustration, and this time I’m going to get the end of the Challenge!

If anyone wants to donate:


Just plugging my mate’s podcast.

This week he has…wait for it…

Kyle Reimers.


‘The’ Kyle Reimers?

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Is there any other?

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Push up challenge raised nearly $9m, and I made it to the end. Even better, only 9 days now til I move house :slightly_smiling_face: