The positive thread. find something, anything


Those 2 things don’t really equate, … but I did think Oz regs were pretty strong on this, … say, in comparison with the US for instance.

JFTR,… the Cetrizine ones, I’ve noticed have a really pleasant tasting coating,. . which surprised.

I think its more if you buy say stuff with 100mmg of active ingredient X in it, it has 100mmg of ingredient in it and it measures the the blood when tested compared to th brand name

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So I couldn’t find what I was looking for, so I might be remembering wrong. Perhaps they only had to have effective ingredient up to 80% to be considered ‘the same’.

Anyway, there’s a bit of research into the more expensive drug having a higher placebo effect than the cheaper one. Much like a wine tasting better if it has a higher price tag.

Anyway, I need to go scratch my eyes out.

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docs only prescribe the actual chemical and strength, not the marketed name.

But the fillers can be different. At one point Mrs P had a side effect when she went from a name brand med to a generic.
Rare, but can happen. We made the pharmacist go through about a zillion pages of documentation before he could put his finger on it, he thought we were making it up.

Glorious day, … open the french doors to let some air through, … first Blowfly of the season rolls in.

Good sign.


agree with that

had a nice stroll at lunchtime to pick up some bread for dinner


Swapped my Thursday night work shift with another dude. Now I can drink beer and swear at the telly.


Finally got my NBN back up.

Turns out my copper “Pair” had somehow just up and died with no explanation except “Sometimes the wires are just like the old light Globe filaments, … and they just Go”

The warnings were all there re “Ageing Copper network, … will ALL need to be replaced shortly anyway, so let’s go FTTH”.

Thanks to Ruperts fear of Pay TV losses & his control of the squiberals, … we are stuck with this 2nd rate shitt.

Fk them all for doing that.


What did they replace it with?

He just swapped them for another existing unused pair of wires that were already running from the pit up the road a bit, to the pit O/s my house…

Long weekend, and was able to leave work early and go to the pub.

Enormous positive if you ask me. But don’t trust my answers, already half cut :stuck_out_tongue:


Footy Day at daycare today.

Dressed up Miss 4 year old in the red and black and headed there but with just a hint of dread.

Half the little nippers running around were in red and black.

Not sure how after all the crap we’ve been through, we manage to have such passionate, resilient supporters - but we do.

That’s a positive!



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Joe is staying so that’s a positive, I guess.


His Sock?



I’m moving back home today :slight_smile:


I’ve got the kids tap dancing comps today. My young bloke is singing my old mans a dustman.

The irony.

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Home to Adelaide, or home to Mum and Dad?

I trust they are doing it to the #bigbigsound?

Adelaide. It just so happens that’s where mum and dad are.